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Things have gone back to normal, well for the most part. I was still crazy busy with work, and Chris had to fly to New York for a movie thing. But things were normal, per say.

I've been hanging out with Scott more, and we've actually gotten pretty close. I'm glad Chris has him as a brother. He's great. Everything I would have wanted in a brother.

I've been going to see Matt as well. He's really been helping me work through my fears. I'm still a tad apprehensive about dating Chris, or at least what comes with dating him. But somehow we've been able to stay out of the media.

Matt has told me countless of times to not let fear dictate how I live my life. And it's hard. But Chris is helping. He's helping me get out of my comfort zone. To let loose and let things happen freely. To embrace the what ifs, not run away from them.

Matt thinks Chris is good for me. And I mean he's not wrong. When is Matt ever wrong? He's not.

So Chris and I kept going out on dates, or rather staying in for dates. We've scaled back on going out too often. I didn't want us to be seen. And although Chris had no problem renting out whole buildings just so we could go out, I felt like it was a tad too much.

We ended up having lots of movie marathons. We've watched Nacho Libre at least 12 times this past month and at this point we could both quote the whole movie, it was great.

Another plus was that I've really gotten to know Chris. I think staying in has allowed us to talk more and really get to know each other without having the formalities of actually going out.

I know that for being a gym buff he loves Skittles, and also that he hates spiders. He loves to draw in his free time, and he plays basketball outside to de-stress. I tell him he's like Troy Bolton working out his emotions and singing musicals.

I also found out that he knows all of the songs to the Little Mermaid, and he thinks I look like Belle. Which apparently he loves because that's one of his favorite Disney princesses.

He also says we have to do a Disneyland tour, apparently he's been to both the Florida and California one, but he wants to go to all the other ones too. Which I don't mind, I've always wanted to go to Japan anyways.

Being with Chris has been like dating my best friend. I have been more open with him, and I felt so at home with him. And with Chris spending a fair share of his time going to therapy he understood how to keep me sane. He understands me when I have a hard time expressing myself. And he helps me shut off my racing mind.

He's probably the most perfect boyfriend there could be. He helps me work through things, and I couldn't be more grateful.

I still haven't told Chris about Luca, but I think he kind of knows at this point. I haven't been able to talk much about him, but Chris has been so incredibly patient. And I know that soon enough I'll be able to talk to him about it. I know I can trust him, I just have to continue to get over my fears.

"Hey babe! Should I bake a pie? What do you think?"

"Yeah that sounds good," I yell from the couch.

"You think you can give me a hand?" he laughs.

"Oh yeah, my bad! Hold on let me get Dodger off." I carefully lift Dodger off my lap and head over to the kitchen.

"So what do you want on the pie?"

I give him a side eye.

"Pepperoni, I know... Why do I even ask." he laughs.

I laugh along with him, "We can do something different if you'd like?"

"I mean yeah sure if you're up for it. We can change it up a little bit," he stretches out the already made dough onto the pan. "How about a chicken bacon ranch? I think you'd like that."

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