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"Ronnie! Oh my goodness!" I run into my friends arms, "It's been too long!"

"Girl! I've been telling you to take a break a long time ago!"

"I know, I know but I had to finish my masters if I wanted to be a FNP, you know that."

"I know, I know... you smartypants," she laughs.

"Well let's go, Jax is waiting for us."

We pile my bags in the back of her car and speed off.

It's been nearly three years since I've last seen her. We were roommates for a long time in college. She was studying to be a surgeon. Her parents insisted, but she realized she didn't like blood and that was a major issue.. obviously. So she dropped out of medical school and went to school for fashion design. She's super smart and bubbly, and she's got such an amazing eye for color and pattern. Although she hasn't done much yet, she's worked on a small shoot for Elle girl. That was a huge thing for her. And I couldn't be prouder of her.

"So what have you been up to? How's Boston treating ya?"

"I've been good, crazy busy with work. It's only been three months since I've started there, but I really like it. My co-workers are great, not too nosy, and well I just feel like it's such a good fit. I loved New York, but this just feels right."

"Well I'm glad to hear that. I was worried you'd feel overwhelmed with moving and not knowing anyone in town."

"It's been alright. I don't have much friends outside of work, but I have gotten set up with my new therapist and he's great."

"Aww that's good."

"Yeah, I think so far I'm settling in nicely. How have you been? How's it going with Jax?"

"Things are great! I finally found a place to set up. Since the Elle thing a month ago I've gotten so many requests to make samples for magazines shoots. I'm really excited. And Jax is great. I mean we've been together 4 years now, and although he hasn't popped the question, I think I'm good with that. Like I'm busy, he's busy. We've got our routine down. I'm happy."

"Well as long as you're happy. How's Jax's business going?"

"It's going pretty well! He has three employees right now. One works the morning, one the afternoon shift. And he has one guy who's helping him with the surfing classes. He's been also wanting to add on to the business. Maybe add a drink area, serve appetizers. Attract more customers to the surf shop."

"Hey that's cool! Maybe he can give me some pointers."

"Oh he'd love to! He's got several students right now, but I think he's off today if you wanted to go?"

"Yeah why not, it'd be good to go out to the ocean."

"Fun! Well we'll let him know when we get there so he can get ready."


We drove out to the Manhattan Beach Pier and man did it feel good to see the ocean. It's been so long since I've been to the Pacific. It felt welcoming. Peaceful. Almost like home.

I ran out of the car as soon as we parked. It was a Saturday evening and surprisingly it wasn't that full. Jaxon and Veronica followed behind me with the boards and I jumped into the water. It's much colder than I expected it to be but it felt so good against the hot air.

"Hey there man, take it easy don't want ya to swim off before I get you on a board."

I laughed at Jax comment, "Don't worry teach I'm not going anywhere."

Ronnie handed me a board and went back to the sand to lay down. She wasn't much of a surfer gal, so she sat enjoyed the view and took in the sun instead.

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