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"So... I think you're gonna have to stay in the movie room upstairs. My parents won't be keen on you staying with me in my room," Liv said as we went up the stairs.

"Oh okay yeah that's fine," I followed her up to the third floor.

"Here we are," she opened a door that a revealed a finished attic turned into a movie room. They've got a huge screen set up and big couches. There's a mini bar at the back of the room, and there looks like to be a bathroom off to the side.

"Wow this is nice."

"Yeah haha... We begged my dad for this years back, wish I would have made more use of it though."

"Mmm, well we can make use of it now..." I rub her arms and give her a kiss, "Wanna watch something?"

"Maybe tomorrow, I'm kind of exhausted..."

She does look absolutely tired, and being here doesn't look like it's helping her much.

"Okay babe," I wrap my arms around her waist and give her a kiss on the forehead.

"Goodnight," she gives me a peck and walks back downstairs.

- - -

"You know you came at a perfect time," Liv's mom tells her as she makes breakfast, "Your prima is getting married tomorrow."

"What? Who? Why didn't you tell me?"

"Well because if I had told you you wouldn't have come."

"You're right I wouldn't have..." she grumbles.

"Well anyways Mariela is getting married tomorrow and I'm sure everyone's gonna be really happy to see you."

"I don't know Ma... I need to talk about it with Chris."

I look at her wide eyed, motioning my arms in front of me as to not have her drag me in to the conversation.

"What do you think Chris? You want to come to the wedding?"


Liv hasn't told them I'm an actor. So they obviously see no problem in inviting me to the wedding. And for whatever reason they haven't recognized me either, which honestly is kind of nice.

Liv looks at me, most likely wanting me to say no, but it can't hurt going. Right?

"Sure we'd love to, right Liv?"

She grits her teeth and tries to smile, "Yeah of course, we would love to go to the wedding of my cousin I haven't seen in five years and never talk to, and haven't even been invited to with a plus one."

Her mom gives us a big grin, "Perfetto! Well you should probably go shopping for a nice dress."

"Yeah we'll go today."

- - -

Liv, her nonna, and I arrived at a thrift store two hours later. Apparently nonna has a good eye for clothes so Liv dragged her with us.

The store was practically empty thankfully, so we made our way around. I followed Liv as she went through dress after dress. There's a lot of options but she doesn't seem to grab anything.

"Wait. What do you think about this one?"

It's a short yellow dress with puffy sleeves.

"It's cute."

"You're right it sucks," she puts it back and I laugh.

"What about this one?"

She pulls out a black velvet dress.

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