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I can finally sleep.

And that's not even the best part. I can breathe. I can keep a smile on my face. I can dream. I can excitedly look forward to the future, but most importantly I get to see Olivia every day.

True to her word, she has been cleaning up her apartment and interviewing for jobs, and she's been coming over every day.

Because she didn't have a car I let her use one of mine, and most nights she's been spending the night.

"I have an interview with Boston Children's Hospital tomorrow."

"Oh really?"

"And you want to work with just children?"

"I mean I love working with all kinds of people, and working with kids sometimes makes me a little sad, but I think that'll just make me more passionate about my work. Can you come and look at my cover letter again?"

"Sure," I wipe my hands and walk around the island to her.

She hands me her letter and I'm impressed.

"This is good. Mhm..." She's quite detailed about her experience, and talks about her desire to help children live long healthy lives.

"This is really good, I think it's perfect," I give her a kiss on the forehead, "They'll love you."

"Really?" her eyebrows are furrowed but her eyes look hopeful.

"Yes really. How can they not? You're smart, passionate, and got the biggest heart. I'm sure you'll fit right in," I give her another kiss and run my thumb over her cheek, "Hey you know, I know some people at the hospital, I can put in a good word for you."

"You know people at the hospital?"

"Yeah well," I chuckle, "Back from when I would go visit the kids in my suit."

"In your suit?"

"Yeah my Captain America suit."

She chuckles, "That's real sweet of you, but I don't think it'll be necessary. Plus I don't want them to hire me because I'm 'Captain America's' girlfriend, no offense. I just want them to like me for me and my merits."

"No of course, you're right. Plus then they'll start calling you Dr. America and that might be confusing," I smirk.

She laughs and smacks me in the arm.


I laugh along with her and she rolls her eyes.

"I love you," she leans up for a kiss and I meet her halfway.

"I love you too," I reply as I lean back. "So what are we doing today?"

"Well I have a zoom interview later today, but either than that I don't have any plans."

"Okay, well I was wondering if we could go have brunch with my Ma? I haven't seen her in a while, and my siblings are going over. The kids have been wanting to see you too."

"Oh yeah we can go over," she grins.

"Cool, well why don't we go get dressed and we can head out."

"Sure," and she follows me to my room.

Ever since she's been staying over more often she's brought over some clothes. I really don't get why she doesn't just move in, but I respect her decision and can wait for her. I've got her back, and I'm just happy she's here.

We change real quick and head over to my mom's house. By the time we get there it looks like everyone is already there, so we head in.

"Hey Ma! We're here."

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