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"So what do you wanna do tonight? Do you wanna go out?"

"Honestly I have no energy to do anything," I plopped on the couch.

"How about we watch Jimmy Fallon and do some face masks?"

"Oooh yeah that sounds good."

"Okay let me go get the masks, can you get some snacks ready for us?"

"Sure," I get up and make some popcorn for us. I also make us some mojitos because why not, plus I can use a drink.

I grab some red vines from the pantry and go back to the living room.

"Alright, here you go," she hands me a aloe vera face mask.

She starts the TV and sits down next to me.

"And now here's your host... Jimmy Fallon!"

"Oh my goodness, thank you very much! I love you! Thank you for being here tonight!"

The crowd cheers for him.

"Welcome to the Tonight Show, and I will be your host! We've got some amazing guests tonight, and some fun things planned."

"Now, I just wanted to say it sounds like we're almost at 70% of the population here in New York vaccinated. How about that?"

The crowd cheers.

"This is our first show with an actual crowd here, so I'm excited for tonight!"

He goes on to make a few more jokes and invites his first guest. She's a stand up comedian and we have a blast laughing at her jokes.

"Alright well thank you so much for joining us tonight! And coming up next is one of America's favorite actors, so stay tuned."

Katy's already got her mask on and I keep snacking. It's hard to eat and have the mask on so I wait a bit.

"It's been so long since I've last seen Jimmy, I needed this."

"I don't know why I don't watch his show more often. He's great."

"Yeah," I chuckle as I munch on my red vine.

I put the bowl down as the show starts up back again.

"And we're back! I've got a very special guest waiting, let's connect with him here," the screen splits and up pops Chris.

The mask I was finally putting on falls onto my lap as my mouth hangs open.

"Alright everyone! Thank you for joining us tonight! We've got a very special guest, Chris Evans!"

Chris smiles as he cheers.

"Hi everyone, thank you Jimmy for having me tonight."

His smile is blinding but his eyes look glum. Although you can't see any dark circles I can tell he hasn't been sleeping much.

"It's my pleasure. So how you doing? What have you been up to?"

"I'm doing alright, keeping busy you know. Walking Dodger and what not."

"There's only so much to do, am I right?"

The crowd laughs and he lets out a small laugh, "That's true."

I look back and forth from Katy and the screen. Her eyes are nearly popping out.

"Do you want to keep watching?"

"I- Let's just keep it on."

"So The Gray Man hit theaters not too long ago, you have any other projects you're working on?"

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