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It's been three days since I last went to talk to Liv at the hospital. We've been texting non-stop since then. I recently found out she loves watching Criminal Minds, which probably means she and Scott are gonna get along great. If he ever gets over having a laughing fit about her thinking we were dating.

It was only Thursday now, but Liv had the day off so I asked if I could take her out. It was getting pretty chilly out but I really wanted to do something nice. I was thinking a picnic would be something she'd like, but it was fairly cold out now. It was nearly November and it was due to snow any time now, so I didn't want us to be freaking to death outside.

That's until I got an idea.


"Thank you Scott for letting me up here. It's gonna look really nice."

"You know I got you!"

Scott was letting me use the rooftop of his apartment building. Apparently he was cool with the building manager.

There was a little gazebo area so we cleared the area of chairs. We swept all the leaves away and I hook up the twinkle lights.

"Alright, so where do you want this?" he motioned to the big plastic dome he was holding.

"Let's put it here near under the gazebo so we can see the lights on the outside. Wait we should probably hang up the lights first."

"Yeah probably," he laughs and comes help me set it up.

We blew up the dome under the gazebo and I started laying things out.

I brought a heater so we can put inside the dome, and I brought a bunch of blankets and pillows. I covered the floor with a big blanket and I set a little table on the floor.

"Hey Scott?" I yelled out, "Can you bring the bag of food I left in your apartment?"

"Yeah I'll go get it!"

I finished setting the table and I place my mini speaker by the edge of the dome's wall. Scott brought up the bag of food, and I spread the snacks across the little table.

I wasn't sure if she was into cheese platters so I got some fruit, chocolate covered strawberries and pretzels as well. She's probably gonna be hungry so I'll probably end up ordering food for us later.

I told Liv to dress comfortably and cozy since it might still be a tad chilly. I wanted to surprise her, so I asked her to meet me here. It was nearly 5 so she should be here any minute now.

I knew we could never grow bored of each other, but I didn't want there to be any silence in the background so I opened up Spotify and put some relaxing background music.

A few minutes later I could hear some steps coming up so I ran over to the door to open it.

I swung the door open and there was Liv. She had some loose joggers on and an oversized sweater that fell off of one of her shoulders.

"You made it!"

"Yeah! Although I'm still confused as to why we're meeting on the roof of this random building..."

"Well I couldn't just tell you, that would ruin the surprise!"

She laughs, "I guess it would."

"Okay close your eyes now," she closed her eyes and I reached out to hold her small hands in mine, "Don't worry I got you."

I helped her up the last step and guided her to the dome. I kept my eyes on her making sure she wasn't peeking.

"No peeking, almost there."

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