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Eventually the boys got up too so we made some popcorn and hot chocolate for everyone.

Then the kids insisted we make a fort as well, which I guess is what the blankets were for, so we brought some chairs into the living room. Olivia and the kids made a huge fort and she even pulled out some Christmas lights to put inside of the fort.

It made for a really cozy night in. I had the fireplace going, the snow was coming down outside, and we all squeezed in to the fort.

As big as it was I actually had a hard time getting in, but figures, I'm a big guy I guess.

We watched Home Alone and the kids had a blast. They giggled all through out the movie and pretty soon after their sugar crash they fell asleep. Olivia brought some extra blankets for us to cover up, and we all slept in the fort.

Olivia and I cuddled up in one blanket but sometime during the night Stella came in between us and slept.

So waking up this morning next to her and little Stella by my side was a sight. It warmed my heart to see the kids had taken a liking to her.

I loved seeing Olivia and kids interact, and I couldn't help but think that this would be us one day. Every day with our own kids.

We got the kids up around ten this morning, wanting them to be well rested after a long day of activities yesterday. We had already made breakfast, and we had the kids help us clean up the living room.

Gotta teach them some responsibility, right?

The kids were less than enthusiastic when we packed them up in the car, whining that they didn't want to go home.

"We want to stay and play with you guys!"

But it was time for them to go home, and honestly we were a little tired too.

So when we dropped the kids off we decided it might do us some good to go out. It was still pretty cold out, considering it was nearly the end of January, but there was some sunshine. I told Olivia I knew a short easy hike we could take and we brought Dodger along.

"It looks like others have gone on this hike because there isn't too much snow on the path."

"That's good, don't want anyone falling," Olivia smiles from under her scarf.

I wasn't too cold, but Olivia had a long sleeve, a sweater and a jacket on. She's been here about six months now, but she hasn't gotten used to the cold Boston weather.

The hike was short, or at least I thought it was, and it only took us about half an hour to get to the peak.

"Thought.. you.. said.. that.. was-" Olivia heaved and let out a cough, "Short."

"I mean yeah... I thought it was pretty short. I usually take hour long hikes, to and go."

"That's two hours, oh god." She crouched over and placed her hands on her thighs. "And I thought I was in shape."

I chuckle, "Well we're here babe."

I gestured to the view just over the rock. We get closer and we can see the sun high above the hills. The trees were all dead, but they were covered in snow. It looked like a winter wonderland.

"This is beautiful Chris," Olivia gasps.

"Yeah, so beautiful," I look at her and pull her in next to me. I leave my arm around her shoulder and she rests her head on my chest.

"I actually had a lot of fun with the kids yesterday. I'm glad I got to meet them."

"And they loved you. I'm sure Carly won't hear the end of it with you. The kids are going to be talking about you non-stop."

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