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After shooting some scenes, Scarlett called and asked if I wanted to join Elizabeth, Paul and her for dinner. Apparently they got reservations to this nice Italian place. It's been a while since I've last seen them all so I agreed to meet up with them.

When I pulled up they were already waiting inside. I entered through the back door and found them in the back waiting room.

"Hey guys!"

Elizabeth got up first and gave me a hug, "It's been a while!"

"Sure has! Nice to see you."

She gave me a smile and stepped back to let Scarlett by.

"Nice of you to show up."

"Hey I'm only 10 minutes late. You know how LA traffic can be."

"Sure it was the traffic, not you staring at yourself in the mirror for far too long," joked Paul from his seat.

"I think you're confusing me with Hemsworth."

We all laughed and Paul got up to give me a quick hug and pat on the back.

"Great of you to join us, how's the movie coming along?"

"It's going great! We're wrapping up the LA scenes. I've got a few more to do in Prague and then we should be done with shooting."

"That's great!"

"Yeah, it's a good movie. The Russo's are really outdoing themselves."

"Oh I bet," he chuckled.

"So what are you all doing in town?"

"Oh we had an interview thing with Disney. It was only for the day, but they wanted us in person. So here we are," he spread his arms out to gesture.

"Well I'm glad we got to meet up."

We sat down and chatted a bit more as the server apologized for not having our table ready yet. I asked them about their projects and their families, well until I see once again a brunette getting up and out of her seat.

Her long dark hair fell past her elbows. She's got a silky dress on, and from the back all I can say is wow. I get up and take a few steps towards her.


She turns around and her hazel eyes stare into mine. She seems to recognize me but she still looks confused.


"Hey you remembered!" I laugh.

"Yeah I mean.. yeah."

I give her a huge smile, this is already the second time running into her here. And she actually remembers me this time.

"Hey they got our table ready," Scarlett says as she walks over to me.

"Oh okay perfect," I glance at her and back at Liv. "Liv this is Scarlett."

Liv gives her a small smile, "Hi."

"Hey nice to meet you Liv."


Paul takes a step closer and introduces himself, "Hello, pleasure Liv. I'm Paul."

"Hi Paul, nice to meet you."

He nodded and stepped back.

"Well I'll leave you guys to your date. A pleasure Scarlett."

I give her a questioning look, "It's not really like-"

"Nice to see you Chris, have a good one," she says quietly and walks off with another brunette.

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