Chapter 9

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I woke up under the covers in my bed, even the T.V. was on. I don't remember making it back here last night. I got up and looked out the wall of windows to see if the Jet was back. I saw it getting work done from the flight crew, after every mission the jet needs to be recalibrated and tweaked to get back to perfect condition.

I made my way to the kitchen to say hi to everyone but to my surprise no one was out there, besides Bucky, eating at the counter.

"Good morning," I said coming around the counter to make coffee.

"Hi," he answered with a mouth full of eggs.

"Where is everyone?"

"Asleep, they only got back a little while ago and everyone seemed shot," he explained.

"Ah," I nodded taking out a coffee cup for myself. "Sorry, I fell asleep during your movie, I swear I was interested," I tried to defend myself.

"Yeah right," He rolled his eyes with a little smirk on his face. "I hope you didn't think me bringing you to your room was an invasion of privacy," So that's how I got to my bed. "I just- I remembered you said you have a hard time sleeping too so, I know when you fall asleep once for the night, being woken up out of that... there's almost no chance of falling back asleep," He explained.

"No, not at all. I really appreciate it," I reassured him. It was interesting to see a soft side of the metal man.

I took my cup and sat next to him at the counter. We sat in silence for a while. Although I've been here for about a month, I finally feel like I'm making a friend around here, even if it did start off with a couple of broken ribs, any friend is good to me. I know I need to try harder with Wanda and Pietro. They are the whole reason I'm here. I decided once they woke up I would find them and get talking away.

Bucky stood from the island and cleaned his dishes. He then poured himself a cup of coffee and stood in front of me, staring past me and looking out the wall of windows behind me.

"I uh, I have therapy today," He said.

"Oh, you excited?" I asked.

He chuckled. "Thrilled," he answered. "It's off the compound actually, so it's nice to get outta here for a bit. Usually, after I'll go to a few stores. Get a newspaper. Ya know, stuff that feels normal," He continued.

"That's fun actually. I'm beginning to feel a little claustrophobic here," I commented while sipping my coffee.

"Yeah... you um- you can come if you want?" He asked looking down at his coffee. "It's only 10 minutes away and I see the therapist for an hour. So you can walk the town and then I'll meet up with you after?"

"Really?" I was shocked he asked me to join him. He nodded. "Of course! Let me get dressed! I'll meet you back here in 20?"

"Great," He smiled and put his cup in his sink then left to get changed out of the gym shorts and t-shirt he was wearing.

I ran to my room like a giddy child. I cannot wait to get out of here for a bit. I still wanted a couple of things for my room too so I finally have the opportunity to go to a few stores. I washed my face, put on some makeup, and brushed out my knotted brown hair. I threw on jeans and a t-shirt with a jacket over it, the weather has been fairly nice for the fall. I grabbed a beanie and sunglasses too, Professor always told me not to stand out too much in a crowd, especially now with the Brotherhood after me. I wonder if this is a bad idea? What if I get recognized? My hair is a different color, I'll wear my sunglass and I'm with a guy who isn't affiliated with the X-Men at all, I convinced myself I would be good.

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