Chapter 11

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*I don't know who created the picture, I found it on Pinterest lol. But I love love love it.*

I woke up to snoring coming from my couch. I peered over and noticed Bucky was still there. His arm and leg were hanged off the side of the couch and his hair was all messed up. He looked so massive on the small couch. I got up quietly to use the bathroom but he instantly shot up once I took a single step.

"I didn't mean to wake you," I whispered.

"I'm a light sleeper, it's fine," he said and ran his fingers through his hair and pushed it back out of his face.

I made my way around the couch and to the bathroom. I used the toilet, brushed my teeth, and splashed some cold water on my face to wake up. Bucky was putting his shoes on when I came out.

"I didn't mean to fall asleep here," He said while shoving my throw blanket that he was using to the side.

"I don't mind," I shrugged and sat on the edge of my bed behind him.

He nodded and got up to head for the door. He left and shut the door behind him. I couldn't help but feel a smile creep onto my face. Ever since our talk in the gym a few days ago Bucky and I have been getting along well. With each day I'm talking to the others more casually and more often. I feel more and more like I'm accepted here and not just a distant relative creeping around the halls.

When I left my room to get breakfast Wanda, Pietro, and Vision were the only ones around the table. I greeted them and got coffee to sit and join them. I noticed the time was around 9 O'clock.

"Shouldn't you guys be in the gym?" I said. Usually, Cap has everyone working out by 8 a.m.

"Not today," Pietro said smiling.

"Why?" I asked looking at Wanda.

"Once in a while, we take a day or two to train by ourselves. You know, being that we are the only ones that rely on powers more than physical strength we take time to practice on our own," Wanda explained.

"That's more my speed," I said. "I'm not used to all the weights and running and hand-to-hand stuff. At the school it's mainly just power drills," I explained.

"Well come!" Pietro said with a mouth full of pancakes.

"Yeah, we go outside to the clearing near the water. More room for us to mess around," Wanda smiled at me,

"Okay, okay. I'll get ready," I said and almost ran to my room to get ready, but I controlled myself.

I put on some workout clothes and met the others in the living room. We headed down to the main floor and Vision led us out to the clearing that they use to practice in. It was honestly beautiful. Despite the ruts in the ground from Pietro's running or scrap pieces all burned up from Wanda or Vision, the clearing looked out over the Hudson River.

"So what do you guys... like... do?" I questioned walking to stand next to Wanda.

"We kinda just test our limits," She answered. "Vision will track Pietro's speed, he's always trying to beat his personal record. The goal is to get comfortable and confident,"

"Yeah, I like this," I smiled. It reminded me of the school. The Professor always pushed us to do more and break boundaries.

Wanda stepped forward and rose herself off the ground and landed on top of a broken plane wing. Vision explained that random scraps Stark has around they will take out here to practice with. Wanda raised herself with the wing underneath her. She was able to lift it from under her feet and over her head while remaining steady in the air. I felt a breeze of wind and Pietro was standing next to me.

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