Chapter 56

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I decided to try and read September again. I grabbed the book off the floor of my room and went over to the couch to start the second page. This page was written neater and more carefully. After I described the compound's rooms, kitchen, and training facilities in detail, I finally got to a part where Bucky was mentioned.

He's quiet and keeps to himself. I ran into him in the hallway and his body was so dense he literally knocked me down. When he helped me back up I grabbed his hand and it was cold, it wasn't skin. It was pure metal. The rush I felt when touching the metal was like nothing I've ever felt before. He told me it comes from Wakanda in Africa and that it was super rare. I wanted to get my hands on that again...

I shut my eyes tightly. That must be why he wears those gloves all the time. I could almost see the arm in the back of my head. The rush I felt when I first touched it came over me. The floating feeling and the colors it emitted in my head. I know the arm well. I looked back to the notebook and pushed down my many questions to keep reading.

The guys were coming around to having me around after a few days. I kept to myself most days. But I started joining the guys for dinners once in a while. At breakfast, I'd catch them before they went to train. Natasha's nice, she talks to me once in a while. Sam talks a lot... to everyone. Wanda and Pietro are still standoff-ish... which I don't blame them. A psycho metal freak shows up on your doorstep claiming to be your half-sister... I dunno.. probably weird.

I looked up a picture of the Avengers on my laptop. Of course, I know them, everyone knows the most famous crime-fighting group in the world. I examined the picture closely. Ironman, Captain America, Black Widow, Hawkeye, Thor. The original members I knew well, they've been in the spotlight for years. I guess this makes sense why Captain America was in my room when I woke up, I guess they know me.

I clicked another picture and there was Bucky. He stood next to a man, the article called him Falcon, real name Sam. Bucky had on a leather jacket with straps for guns all over the sides and backs. His one arm was exposed, and it was completely metal. The arm was beautiful. I zoomed in on the arm and examined it closely. It felt oddly familiar. I read the attached article and learned about Bucky and Captain America's friendship, I learned of this horrible past Bucky had. My heart ached for him and I don't even really know him... right now I guess.

A loud knock came from the door pulling me out of my deep thoughts. I called for the person to come in and Hank poked his head in.

"School ended an hour ago, I told you to come to the infirmary," he reminded me.

"I'm sorry... I lost track of time," I sighed and followed him out of the room down to the infirmary. On the way there we passed the library, I stepped in while Hank walked ahead of me. The Professor said Bucky hangs out here and I was hoping to see him. To my luck, he was sitting in a chair by the window talking on his cell phone.

"Yes Sam, I'm being patient," he groaned.

He didn't notice me standing off to the side yet, so I listened in on his half of the conversation.

"She's doing alright... I dunno, I'm trying to not overwhelm her so I'm hanging back," He said.

"I'll be there for her when she wants me to be..." he said then paused listening to Sam on the phone.

"Well she has no fucking clue who I am, what do you want me to do? Stalk her? Watch her sleep?" He said frustrated.

"You know, I called to talk to Steve. Why did you even pick up?" He sassed.

I decided to interject before I overheard anything else.

"Uh... excuse me?" I said awkwardly and his head snapped from the window to look at me shocked.

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