Chapter 13

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The next morning, I woke up with a booming headache and a happy heart. I showered, chugged a bottle of water and some painkillers to help me get back to normal.

I couldn't stop thinking about Bucky. His eyes, his hands, his lips. He was perfect.

Thinking back to what he was saying... a date? I haven't gone on a date since Alex and I first started dating. The thought of it scared me a bit, but I know we were both tipsy so I could be taking things out of the 'drunk make-out' context.

I decided to get dressed for the gym and see what everyone was eating for breakfast. As soon as I opened my door I was hit with the overwhelming smell of bacon, coffee, and pancakes. In the kitchen were Nat, Clint, and Rhodes at the counter with a puss on their face and dark bags under their eyes. Cap was cooking with Wanda for everyone. Then there was Sam and Bucky at the table next to each other. I grabbed a cup of coffee and a pancake to sit at the table with Sam and Bucky.

"I told you, you can't out drink me," Bucky was saying to Sam as I took my seat across from him. "My body metabolizes things way faster than yours, when will you learn?" He mocked the grumpy Sam.

"Alright, alright. Just shut up, huh?" Sam said biting into his bacon. "Oh great, Julia isn't hungover either, what do you got? A metal metabolism?" He hissed at me.

"No, just water, Advil, and 5 fewer tequila shots than you," I responded.

"Whatever. You both suck and I'm going back to bed." Sam said and took his plate to his room with him. Leaving Bucky and me alone at the table.

"Good morning," He said smiling at me.

"Good morning to you too," I smiled back.

"Slept well?"

"Yes, actually. Really well," I nodded holding my coffee cup in my hand.

"Me too," He said, "I'm sorry our night got interrupted," he said smirking at me.

"Me too," My smile was uncontrollable.

"Mhm, good," He played with his fork on his empty plate. "Any plans today?" He asked.

"I was heading to the gym after breakfast, I figured most people will be too hungover to get there this early,"

"The gym... Ya know? I was actually planning on going down there too," He nodded standing up with his dishes. "See you there?"

"See you there." I watched him walk away and go to the elevator to go to the gym. Sure, I've seen Bucky laugh and joke around with the others a bunch. But the little smile he had on all morning was not usual for him. I couldn't help but have the same goofy smile on my face. Once the doors shut I finished my food fast and put my plates in the dishwasher.

"In a hurry, Julia?" Cap asked.

"Oh, no. Just trying to beat everyone else to the gym to have my own space for a bit," I answered and brushed my hair behind my ear leaning on the kitchen counter.

"Well, you better go on then," He tilted his head towards the door. I nodded silently and boarded the elevator.

I couldn't stop bouncing my leg in the elevator. I reached the basement and walked into the gym to see Bucky in the weights section lifting.

"So, we really came to work out?" I said coming up behind him. He put the weights back and turned around to face me. 

"No, but I was making it look natural, didn't that look natural?" He joked and stepped very close to me again. He pulled me in to meet his lips again and exchanged a passionate kiss before I could answer his stupid question. "Maybe we can do a movie marathon tonight?"

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