Chapter 35

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(Chapter inspired by What If... ep.5 ;)) 

We trained every morning that week for hours. We would sit in big circles and talk about how we can use each other's powers to benefit others and help the group. Storm practiced creating wind gusts with just the right speed to send Sam and his wings in a loop if he gets tossed off track. Nightcrawler would take people and teleport them from one place to another to get everyone acquainted with the nauseating feeling that it causes at first. Vision worked with Alex on controlling his beams of energy. Then at night, we would go into the conference room and we would tell the Avengers about the weaknesses and strengths of the Brotherhood members that we knew about to help everyone form fighting techniques designed for each.

"Angel's knives that come out of his wings are metal, so we usually send Julia to him first," The Professor explained.

"Yeah, I can rip all the knives out, then he can't fly well till he gets them back. Then he's stuck using hand-to-hand combat, which he sucks at," I added.

"What about Pyro? Anything with him?" Tony asked and circled Pyro's name on the big screen we had displayed with notes.

"He's all talk. Talks a lot of shit," Alex huffed crossing his arms.

"Besides that," Storm chimed in. "He can't produce the fire when in rapid winds, so I can hold him off with twisters, for the most part,"

"Great," Tony said and wrote some notes near Pyro's name.

"Spike's weakness is his legs," Alex noted. "Take him from down low and he's useless,"

Tony scribbled more and more on the board.

We began forming attack plans and strategies. We all wanted to be prepared for anything they have to throw at us. We also assumed they've recruited some others. They know the Avengers are on their ass too now, they won't just stick with the five of them.

"I suggest different teams," Vision said. "We send them out in waves, and each team is directed to take on a different aspect,"

"Yes," Tony agreed and wrote teams at the top to start dividing the group.

We came up with three different teams, each team was assigned a different sector of the area to take on and had their own plans of attack. After the teams were assigned we would meet in those groups to work together and plan.

After the long days of training and talking and thinking everyone unwounded with alcohol. Everyone was getting along better together and our evenings after dinner were fun and relaxing. We didn't talk about training or missions, we just talked about anything and everything else.

Tony was complaining about how everyone at the compound acts like children when they have too much to drink like he's one to talk. Sure Nat and Sam force everyone to take shots, and Pietro is trying to convince everyone to play drinking games, but Tony's the one who gets in the suit and destroys the yard.

"Well when they were kids," The Professor began a story and pointed over to Kurt, Storm, Alex, and I. "They would sneak out and take one of the cars and go steal alcohol from any store that was open that late. They would come back, get wasted, and just destroy the backyard. Alex set bushes on fire, Storm would put them out with her wind gusts, then he would just start another. Julia would re-arrange all of the patio furniture and pile it into massive entangled heaps of metal that no one could pull apart," He chuckled. "I spent thousands on lawn maintenance and patio sets when they were young,"

"Those nights don't even compare to the night Alex and Julia blew up the west wing over Christmas break," Kurt butted in. "The reconstruction took weeks," He chuckled

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