Chapter 58

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Bucky cupped my face with his hands. The warmth of his real arm contrasted the cold of the metal hand. His lips touched mine and my mind went blank. I felt like I was dreaming this. The kiss was long and deep.

He pulled away and looked at me in the eyes, "This is ok?" He whispered.

"More than ok," I answered grabbing his forearms and pulling him back to my lips. This kiss was much more intense. I haven't made out with a guy in years, I hope I didn't get bad at it. He was so warm and strong, I never realized how perfect he was before this. His warm hand moved down my shoulder and to my back. Before It could go any lower, we heard the elevator ding, signaling it was about to open. We separated fast and I almost fell backward after he let go of me, I was relying on his strength for support a bit too much.

"Afterparty!" Pietro shouted with liquor bottles in his hands.

I sat up out of bed in a cold sweat. My heart was racing and my headache was pounding. I grabbed the October notebook off of the bed next to me, I must've fallen asleep while reading it. I flipped the pages viciously to get to the last few pages I didn't finish.

It was a birthday party, that I couldn't attend because of being in hiding. I read the pages quickly, my finger following each word I read. The dream was all here, the kiss, his hands, his soft lips moving against mine. It all was rushing back to me at once. I felt everything clicking. I tossed the covers to the side and grabbed the box with my other notebooks. I opened November and read the first page, I knew it. I flipped through it quickly, skimming each page. I grabbed December and did the same. Each notebook felt more and more familiar as I skimmed the words. My head was spinning.

I jumped off the floor next to the box of books and grabbed my phone off the side table. I searched through my contacts for anyone at the compound to call. I needed to talk to Wanda. I didn't bring my phone to the compound with me, so I had none of their numbers saved.

"Fuck me," I grumbled. I opened up google and searched for the number of the Avengers Compound. I dialed the number quickly and put the phone to my ear.

"Avengers Compound, this is Darrel how can I assist you today?" The man said answering the phone.

"Hi-Hi Darrel I need to speak with Wanda Maximoff," I said.

"I'm sorry the Avengers don't take fan calls," he said.

"It-It's not a fan call... I- I know her... I need to talk to her,"

"What's your name?" He asked.

"Julia Lensherr," I said.

"Let me check her approved caller's list," he said. I was put on hold momentarily. I dashed to my closet as quickly as possible and got dressed in sweats and a t-shirt. It was almost 9 o'clock now and I could hear the halls busting with children.

"I'll patch you through Ms. Lensherr," The man said and the phone began to ring again.

"Hello?" Wanda's familiar voice said through the phone.

"Wanda," I sighed and shut my eyes. Images of us laughing together, sitting on the balcony, cooking in the kitchen together all came flowing upon hearing her voice.

"Julia? What's wrong? Are-are you oaky?" She asked.

"I... I miss you," I chuckled. I felt tears forming in the corners of my eyes.

"Oh my god," She sighed. "You... you remember?"

"Yes, yes," I smiled. "I-It's coming back," I clarified.

"I've wanted to talk to you for so long, I would've been there. But we didn't want to confuse you," She explained.

"Don't worry about it, I know," I assured her. "I- I can't wait to see you,"

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