Chapter 50

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My heart sank to my stomach. I thought I was going to be sick. The Professor asked us to step out and I stood there in shock, watching Julia freak out over our presence. Steve shoved me into the hall and I stumbled out of the door.

"I knew it," I said rubbing my tired eyes. "I knew it,"

"It will come back to her," Steve said.

"Yeah, you said she has notebooks, maybe she has some from the past few months," Same said.

"Yes," I said looking at both of them. "Yes, in her desk drawers at the compound, she has a couple of the notebooks in there,"

"I'll go back and get them," Sam said.

"We will figure it out Buck," Steve said and squeezed my shoulder.

I nodded. I can't believe she can't remember. I had a feeling, but you never know. I was being optimistic for a change. Last time I take that approach.

"She-she freaked out when she saw us," I said. "She has no idea what's going on... she said one thing then the next minute she had no clue,"

"Hank said that her short-term memory's been affected before," Steve reminded me. "But it always comes back to her,"

"Ugh," I groaned and ran my fingers through my hair to push it out of my eyes.

Wanda and Pietro came into the infirmary.

"She doesn't remember," Wanda said walking up to us, already knowing what was wrong.

"No, Sam is going to go home to get those diaries she keeps," Steve explained.

"Those will jog her memory," The Professor said wheeling out of the private room to us in the hallway. "I'm sorry she doesn't remember you all. When this has happened in the past, the books have helped, she will come around," He said looking over to me.

"Is-is she okay?" I asked nervously.

"I rested her mind for a bit, just put her to sleep," He sighed. "Hank wanted her awake to do some tests but... I don't think it's a good time," He explained. "For now, we shouldn't overwhelm her more than we already have. Maybe just drop the books off then head back to the compound. She thinks she's in trouble with the Avengers because she saw you, Captain," He explained. "If she sees you two, it will totally throw her off. She doesn't know you both know about her yet," he said looking to Wanda and Pietro.

"I'm staying," I said crossing my arms.

"Bucky, the Professors right. We will just confuse her further," Cap said.

"You can stay," the Professor said to my surprise. "You mustn't bother her or try to plant memories in her head, it all needs to come back naturally. Her mind is too fragile. But you can stay," He said sending me a small smile.

"Thank you," I nodded gratefully.

"I'll drop the books off after bringing everyone back," Sam said. I said goodbye to the guys and they all filed out to leave the school.

"Don't push her. Keep your distance," the Professor said, "It's a risk to be here, don't mess it up," He said.

"I understand. Just give me a room and I'll be out of everyone's way," I agreed.

He told me to go to the fourth floor and said that any room without a name posted on the door is free. I thanked him again. I wanted to peek in to see Julia one last time. But he was watching me as I walked towards the hall. It was a privilege he let me stay, I didn't want to push my luck. I just needed to hang tight till the books came back.

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