Chapter 49

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A sharp pain came from my neck and caused me to twitch awake. I tried to open my eyes and could see someone wearing red standing above me. I felt someone lift me and the wind blew past us. My head was spinning and I felt like my eyes were glued shut. I could hear the mumbling of voices around me.

I heard the Professors voice in my head for the first time in what felt like forever. "You're safe." He whispered. "Relax now."  I felt a pinch in my arm and then let my eyes relax and passed out.


Something pinched my arm again. Bright lights shone in my eyes. I could hear the faint voices around me again.

"Julia?" A deep voice whispered. I tried to speak back but I don't think anything came out.

A loud voice spoke boomed in my head. It was Hank. "You're safe, Julia. You're back with us," he spoke loudly into my ear.

I tried to lift my hand and reach out to feel who was next to me. My throat was so dry it felt like sandpaper when I tried to speak. I was able to croak out Alex's name. I felt his familiar touch on my shoulder and his soft voice spoke, "I'm here". I was home now, I couldn't picture where I was before. But now I'm back.

Hank began shouting at me again. I could barely focus on his voice with the pounding in my head and the bright white lights in my eyes. I felt a needle being pushed into my arm and the bright lights faded along with the headache.


"She's been out for 12 hours now," a familiar voice pulled me out of sleep.

"She needs it," It was the Professor's voice.

I forced my eyes to open. It was bright at first, I had to squint. Eventually, my eyes adjusted. Everything was a little blurry and my head felt heavy.

"Julia? Julia?" It was Storm.

"Hi," I mumbled back and turned my head to face her blurry body.

"Oh my god," She said and put her hand on my head. "Hi,"

"Julia? Can you see us?" Professor asked,

"Yes Charles," I answered.

Alex was next to me, I could tell by his hair. There were other blurry people in the room I couldn't quite make out. Storm handed me a cup of water and I tried to lift my hand to grab it but I could barely raise my wrist. Storm put it up to my mouth and I took massive gulps. Water has never tasted so good.

"Do you remember what happened?" Professor X asked.

"I remember being in Germany... I think," I blinked a bunch of times to try and clear my vision. "Was... did we see Juggernaut?" I said confused looking at Alex.

"We did," He chuckled quietly.

My vision was becoming more clear and I now could see the actual faces of Storm and Alex. They both were tired-looking but happy at the same time. I missed them.

"Hi," I said again turning my head to look at Alex. He smiled and grabbed my hand in his.

"How are you feeling? Do you need anything? What can I get you?" Storm rambled.

"I'm fine," I sighed and shut my eyes. "I could use sleep," I mumbled and felt myself slipping back into slumber.

"Julia, Julia, wait," Alex said and shook my shoulder to wake me up.

"Ouch, stop," I groaned and squirmed away from him.

"Sorry, sorry. Just stay up for a second longer, please?" He asked. I tore my eyes open and looked over at him.

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