Chapter 18

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People popped in and out the next day, to say hi and keep me company. Bucky never left the chair next to me. I told him to go to his room to sleep but he insisted he was sleeping fine in the chair. Physically, the pain was starting to subside and I tried to use the medicine pump less. But mentally, I couldn't stop thinking of what happened and what it meant for me. The device, Mystique, and Erik. Everything happened so fast that it was hard to make sense of it.

That night, Cap and Tony gathered in my room. I knew it wasn't just to visit, I saw them whispering with Bucky in the hall when they thought I was sleeping.

"Julia, you remember what happened before you got back here that night?" Mr. Stark asked. I nodded in response. "Well, would you mind sharing?" He urged.

"We just wanna know what lead up to this," Cap said referring to the massive hole in my side. "So we can know if there is anything we should watch out for," he clarified.

I explained to them what Magneto told me about the horrible device the Brotherhood is creating to use on me. That is what sparked Mr. Stark's interest. He took vicious notes on the tablet in his hand. I continued and shared about how the attack happened when we realized it was Mystique disguised as Magneto.

"What would that device need to be made of to have that power?" Cap asked turning to Tony.

"That's what I'm trying to think of," Tony responded without looking up from his tablet.

"Magneto said that the Brotherhood found him in Germany when they were meeting with the creators," I said, snapping Mr. Starks attention again.

"Germany?" He confirmed. "Germany." He looked at Cap.

"It couldn't be the tesseract," Cap shook his head.

"Why not?" Mr. Stark countered. "The last people who had it, to our knowledge, was HYDRA two years ago. Sure they operate all over the world, but their hub is always in Germany. It would add up,"

"Who else is part of the Brotherhood?" Cap asked me.

"It changes a lot, uhh... the last I heard it was Mystique, Emma Frost, Pyro, Spike, and Angel. They recruit others all the time from different mutant centers across the globe, once they realize that they are crazy they try to escape, and usually end up being murdered," I explained.

"Can you explain each of the five people you listed?" Mr. Stark asked.

"Isn't this a little overwhelming right now," Bucky huffed and crossed his arms.

"No, I don't mind," I interjected. "Mystique, she was there. She has shapeshifting abilities and is highly trained in hand-to-hand combat. She can look and sound exactly like anyone, down to the DNA. She's good for getting what you need fast. She's the master of disguise in every way possible. Emma Frost is the one with telepathy and telekinesis. She's abnormally fast and strong too. They both have been the pillars of the Brotherhood since Magneto left a few years back," I explained. "Then there is Pyro, quite self-explanatory, he creates fire and shoots fire, anything with fire. He was our friend at the school till he left to join the brotherhood years ago now. After Daken... died, his cousin joined the Brotherhood. They call him Spike. He is strong and he has these bone stakes that produce from his forearm that he can throw. He is angry, all the time. They all have no remorse when fighting, but there is something about Spike... it's different, almost as if he enjoys murdering. And then Angel, has wings," I chuckled. "They used to just be regular eagle-like feathered wings. But he had them upgraded by a scientist in Japan a few years ago, and now they can shoot out knives," I shrugged "Which hurt." I also gave them their given names so they can try to dig up any possible information.

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