Chapter 33

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We pulled up to the compound and Professor X said it was ugly. Of course, compared to his beautiful home, it was pretty ugly. We parked and unloaded the bags. Bucky and I lead everyone up to the living quarters to meet everyone.

"Relax," Bucky said and squeezed my shoulder as the elevator reached our floor.

We stepped out and sure enough, everyone was waiting for us, eager to meet the people I constantly talk about.

I introduced everyone and they were shaking hands and playing along very nicely. I could feel my back sweating from the anxiety. Vision showed them where they would be staying. We had a few unused rooms so everyone was able to get their own space. Tony and Cap wanted us all to meet in the big gym to get acquainted better. Before we left for the gym, I brought Professor X with me to the kitchen where Wanda and Pietro were.

"Professor, this is Wanda and Pietro. They've been really great during all of this," I said twiddling with my fingers nervously.

"I've admired both of your careers from afar," Professor said. "You both are incredibly gifted,"

"You're good friend with Erik?" Pietro said.

"Whenever he allows me to be, yes," Professor answered. "I see him in you both. In the nicest way possible. I know he has a bad reputation, but when he was good... he was great," He complimented. Pietro had a little smirk on his face. Wanda remained emotionless. "I'm not sure if Julia has taught you anything about the mutant race, but you two are a part of it," Professor added. "Us mutants contain the X-gene that give us our powers. It is less rare nowadays but, it's an incredible thing that we explore and learn more about daily at the school. If either of you wanted to know more about you're genetic makeup and history, everyone at the school would be pleased to discuss it with you,"

"I wanna go," Pietro smiled. "Wanda, it would be sick,"

"Maybe," she mused him.

"There are probably aspects to your mutations you haven't even developed yet. At the school, we specialize in enhancing the mutations to allow the individual to reach their full potential. Julia was working on controlling gravitational fields before she left a few months ago," the Professor explained. "We plan on picking it up soon," he smiled at me.

"Really?" Wanda asked, now intrigued.

"Oh yes, you have a lot of untapped potentials," Professor said.

"Guys! Let's go!" Cap shouted as he held the elevator open for us.

"Talk to me later, I have lots to share," the Professor smiled at the two.

We all got down to the gym and there was a natural separation occurring. The Avengers on one side, X-men on the other. I felt a little awkward first walking in but I went to stand next to Storm. She gave me a smile and shoved my shoulder, she knew how stressed this made me. I acted the same way when my father would visit the school. He would eat dinner with my friends and everyone would try and make conversation with him, but he always came across as rude. Thankfully Storm was always sitting next to me joking and keeping the peace between my father and me.

"Alright! We want to see what you guys got," Cap said to the X-Men.

"Introductions and a show?" Stark said. "Julia, get it going," he said clapping his hands together.

I didn't expect to be the ring leader of this event right now, but I stepped up and cleared my throat.

"Okay, okay," I said facing my friends. "Who wants to go first?" They all exchanged looks silently. "Storm? Please," I pleaded.

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