Chapter 30

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When I woke up the next morning I almost forgot about HYDRA and the Brotherhood. I rolled over to face Bucky in bed but he wasn't there, which reminded me of my actions yesterday. I felt like shit for storming around the compound and screaming at everyone who has treated me like family for the past few months. But I was frustrated with everyone for keeping their mission a secret. I should have been there to help them.

I laid in my bed motionless for a while just thinking of how everything went to shit so fast. I had to force myself to get out of bed and get dressed. Facing the guys in the kitchen was the next task. I knew I had to apologize, which is a hard thing for me to do, yet another trait I received from my father. After brushing my teeth and getting dressed for the day, I left my room and heard everyone talking in the living area. I slowly made my way out of the hall and saw everyone sitting around the table finishing breakfast.

The room got silent as I approached the table and stood before them.

"Uh..." I began while playing with the sleeves of my hoodie. "I'm sorry..." I said while keeping my eyes facing the floor. "For last night. I know you guys... were just doing what you thought was best for me... and that was really... nice," I stuttered. I finally looked up to see everyone's eyes on me. "And, uh. Thanks for... um looking out for me... and I'm sorry again, for losing my temper," I finished.

I waited for someone to say something. The silence was deafening and awkward. They all exchanged glances before Tony spoke.

"You also should apologize for breaking the lab doors and the elevator," He said to me.

"The elevator?" I questioned and turned around to look at the elevator. The damaged doors were unable to fully close and there was a strip of caution tape across the front. "Oh," I sighed. "I am sorry about both of those things, too," I said looking back at everyone.

"Thank you," Tony grinned.

"It's alright, Julia," Cap said. "We understand your frustration. And maybe... maybe we should have told you. But we just wanted to try and solve it for you,"

"And that's so insanely generous of you all," I chimed in. "But... I just wish I could've warned you," I said shaking my head. "I didn't want to regret losing more people to the Brotherhood because of me," I admitted.

"Well, you didn't lose any of us... yet," Nat chuckled.

"I'm so sorry. How are you guys?" I asked her and Clint.

"Ah, fine," Clint responded

I nodded, unable to find any more words of consolation.

"We think you might need to call your friends, at the school," Cap said.

"For... for what?"

"Well if we are going up against the Brotherhood again, we will need all the help we can get," Tony explained.

"Why? Why would you guys fight the Brotherhood?"

"They have the tesseract and they want you," Cap said.

"Just because you said you don't want us getting involved on your behalf doesn't mean we have to listen," Wanda insisted.

I bit my tongue from fighting with everyone on their decision to find the Brotherhood again. I know they won't back down, and I guess having them help me out wouldn't be the worst thing to happen.

"I'll call Alex," I sighed. "Do I have to do it... like right now? Because I really really don't want to,"

"No," Cap chuckled. "You can do it tomorrow,"

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