Chapter 26

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There was a meeting in the conference room today, and I was told to go as well. The group has meetings all the time regarding missions. The only 'meetings' I attend is when Tony yells at us for tossing coffee grounds in the kitchen sink garbage disposal.

Wanda and I were together in the study when Tony's voice boomed over the PA system asking everyone to report to conference room one. We left the study together and called for the elevator to head downstairs. Everyone filed into the conference room and took seats around the table. Rhodes came in from the city with Tony for the meeting which led me to believe the government was involved in some way. He usually only participates in the missions that the guys were given by the government. Tony was typing away on the tablet while pictures and documents appeared on the screens around us.

"Fury contacted me," Tony began. Nick Fury was the director of SHEILD. When HYDRA caused SHEILD to collapse, he went into hiding. Since then the guys haven't seen much of him. He stops by to report important information or calls one of them to give them a tip about HYDRA's plans. He still runs some sort of super underground agency, but it's all very secretive.

"He received intel from a connection he has working at the Boat Port of Rotterdam in the Netherlands, it's one of Europes largest ports and industrial hub," Tony explained and flipped through pictures of port on the screen. "The connection noticed an unmarked military sub that was allowed passage through the port, he believes they paid someone off to let the, through without proper identification,"

"And?" Steve asked.

"The connection found the forged papers and sent copies to Fury. Not only does is the sub carrying unmarked weapons crates but the sub is a military prototype, it hasn't been tested anywhere yet. It's a draft of a stealth mode submarine,"

"Stealth mode submarines? That's pretty complex, we haven't even finished the prototype," Bruce said puzzled while examining Tony's documents.

"Exactly," Tony nodded. "Fury told me, I told Rhodes, and now the U.S government is shitting their pants," He chuckled. "They want us to interfere with the sub on its route to Port City Marina in North Carolina,"

I was listening to every detail, of course. But this government back and forth was such bullshit to me. While Charles appreciated the government and admired them, my father did not. And that is one opinion my father and I share. He feels most governments abuse their power, are overly complicated, and are often prejudice against anyone who isn't a white human male. My hatred for governments aligns with his, which always made Charles worry. But my issue wasn't with humans, it was with the system in general, so it was partly different from my father's approach.

"How soon do we need to leave?" Steve asked.

"Within the next hour, the submarine is only a few hours out," Stark said.

"Why are we only finding this out now?" Nat asked,

"Because I only found out now," Tony sassed. "I guess Fury's connections aren't too speedy with information relay," He sighed.

"What's the plan?" Steve asked standing up to get a closer look at the screens.

"I planned out the teams and posts," Rhode said and passed Steve a file to read over.

"So it's basically a whole team operation?" Steve said flipping through the pages.

This made my head pop up from staring down at my fingers. I looked up and Rhodes was already staring right at me.

"Me?" I asked confused.

"Yup, suit up," Tony nodded.

"I can't go!" I protested. "No one is supposed to know I'm here, I can't be seen by anyone,"

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