❅ sixteen

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sahi jolt up from his bed because apparently, he needs to get ready for school today. He stepped out of his room and didn't even notice that the older was watching him with a big smile plastered on his face as he saw the younger.

The japanese stretched his body and started to blabber some gibberish words. He feels refreshed everytime he stretches his body before taking a bath.

"Good morning, cutie" the older couldn't help but to greet the younger.

He turned his eyes to the older and rolled his eyes heavenwards before walking passed him not even saying a single word.

He just couldn't stand Jaehyuk's smile anymore.

Jaehyuk had been up 2 hours early than the younger so meaning to say that he was thinking about some random thoughts on the living room for almost 3 hours now. He was just thinking what should he do to stop Asahi from leaving to school today.

He waited for Asahi to finish taking bath and decided to sat on the floor placing his both arms on the glass table and rest his chin on his arms.

The older pouted as he saw the japanese walked out from the bath room with his soaking wet hair.

The younger male unknowingly stopped and turned to see the older making cute faces.

Jaehyuk wanted to admit that the younger looked hot with his wet hair but he should just keep that a secret. He doesn't want to ruin the moment.

"What are you staring at?" the younger yelled at him.

"Nothing" Jaehyuk answered with a smirk looking at the younger's exposed upper body then licked his lips.

Then that was just the moment when Asahi realized that he was just wearing towel around his torso making his cheeks burn up in embarrassment. He immediately rushed inside his room with his heart beating rapidly.

When Asahi disappeared from the older's eyes, he bursted out of laughter remembering the japanese's face makes him laugh more and more.

If only he had know that teasing the younger feels like this, he should've have teased him long ago.

It took a couple of minutes before he saw the japanese already in his school uniform. For some moment, the older couldn't take off his eyes at the younger seeing his school uniform hugging the younger's well-toned body.

He unknowingly wish that he was his school uniform so he can hug the japanese like that. It really sucks for him waiting for Fridays and Sundays to get the warmth he had always wanted.

"I told you to stop looking!" The younger said.

Jaehyuk didn't even realized that he had been looking at the japanese ever since he went out of his room.

Not in him dreaming to be his school uniform to hug him—

"Yoon Jaehyuk!" The older avoided again his eyes to the younger as he got scared of the younger calling his whole name in a serious and scary tone.

"I—I wasn't staring!" He once again denied.

"Yeah sure. You even looked like you wanted to eat me and that—" the older playfully looked at the younger. Well guess what? He was with the teasing the younger japanese again.

You know, it's fun for Jaehyuk to see the japanese all flustered and startled.

"How did you even know that I wanted to eat you?" he started standing up from his seat and walk closer to the younger who was currently out of words.

"I—I didn't meant that way! You just looked like it anyway!" Asahi doesn't even know why he was stuttering when it was the truth.

"Or maybe you want me to actually—" before the older could finish his sentence, he immediately stood up and loudly pushed his chair, making sure that it made a loud thud against the floor.

"I still have my classes today. I'll see you later" the younger anxiously said, avoiding the older's gaze and immediately pulled his backpack.

"Geez! What the hell is he trying to do this time?" The japanese said before walking towards his school.

He just don't like that side of the older. It just makes him feel some uncertain things inside him. He wasn't gay and he doesn't understand why that hybrid had a huge effect on him.

And besides, he likes girls so why did he feel different at that guy?

He almost passed the alley when he felt someone was following him behind. He tried to look back but he have seen nothing.

That's strange.

He walked a bit faster than before but it still felt like someone was watching him from behind. Asahi turned his feet to a street and hid into high walls making sure that the stalker didn't saw him.

He partially peeked, hiding through the high walls and see who was following him. A minute after, he saw someone walking and lingering his eyes around with his black hoodie.

The moment the person looked up and noticing that he was looking for something... Or should I say someone, he crossed his arms and went out of his hiding spot.

"Looking for someone?" The younger asked, lifting his left brows to the person who had been following him.


"Why are you here?" The latter boldly asked.

"I—I.." At this moment, the hybrid's mind wasn't giving him ideas at all.

"Bad kitty! Why the hell are you following me?!"

Earlier, the older had been planning on following him to his school. It was just lonely without the japanese around so he thought following him could make any sense, but not until the younger caught him following him.

"I—I just want to see you" for some unknown reason, the japanese could clearly hear his heart beat out rapidly for he doesn't know how many times.

Jaehyuk bowed down his head, he really thought that this plan could work out.

But for some reasons for the japanese, the latter's words was just simple but warm.

to be continued

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