❅ twenty

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"Shit" Asahi mumbled to himself looking at the hybrid sitting obediently in front of him

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"Shit" Asahi mumbled to himself looking at the hybrid sitting obediently in front of him. He doesn't even know how can he hide the older from his friends.

They'll surely find out about him even if he hide him in any places of his apartment.

"What's wrong?" Jaehyuk worriedly asked. The japanese didn't even responded as he was still focused of how can't they see the older. His eyes shot through the wall clock and almost panicked when it was already 7 in the evening. His friends will all arrive in any minute now.

Jaehyuk was really worried for the younger but the problem is he isn't even answering when he was ask him what is wrong with him. And that's it, the older stood up and pushed the younger japanese towards the couch bending his body forward and leveled his face near to him. That surprised Asahi, it made his mind more unfocused and blank at the moment.

Their eyes connected to each other and no one dared to break the moment. Even Jaehyuk himself didn't expected that his eyes could bring such a great impact most especially to his heart who can't even stop beating in an abnormal pace.

Couple of minutes were passing and silence were still conquering the two young male on the living room. Seriously speaking, the japanese wanted to yell at him for making such a move but for some unknown reason, he still wanted to stare at those drop-dead visuals of the hybrid in front of him. 

It was also his first time to see the hybrid's face this close since he wasn't really interested to him at all before, he was more on annoyed of his cuddly and bright presence around his apartment. It annoys him that this guy needs attention and time to took care of.

Jaehyuk finally lifted up his right arms as he started to caress the younger's cheeks and smiled lovingly to the younger. 

"What's wrong?" He asked softly almost made the latter's heart melt for some reasons, his hands were still at his cheeks.

"W-what.." Asahi was interrupted to what he was saying when the older pouted.

"You were swearing while looking at me. Did I do something wrong? I am sorry" Jaehyuk apologized with his usual sweet and soft voice. It made the japanese kinda felt bad for it, he didn't do anything wrong.

It was just how can he tell to his friends that he isn't really someone related to his life. Asahi was just taking the responsibility of taking care of him since he promised this to Doyoung and it'll also be mean if he'll just leave him behind.

"No, it's not like that..." Asahi needed the help of his brain to construct explaination that will not hurt his feelings but looks like it isn't cooperating with him.

The japanese was about to talk when he heard someone sneezed at the front door's direction.

"Bitch, you should've prevent yourself from sneezing, I was about to cry!" Jihoon annoyingly implied to Doyoung. Asahi's eyes both went wide when he saw his friends standing at the front door and even looks like watching some sad korean drama in front of them.

"When did you guys arrived?" he embarrassedly asked his friends.

"Uhm, we saw you guys staring at each other for almost more than 10 minutes so basically we just arrived here" Haruto sarcastically replied that made him more embarrassed.

The older male beside Asahi couldn't help but to giggle cutely when Doyoung ran to him and hugged him like they weren't seeing each other for ages.

"How's my dobby doing?" He joyfully asked and flashed a sweet smile.

"Please, someone save my heart. He's cute" Jihoon dramatically blurted out referring to Jaehyuk.

"Hi, is your name Yoon Jaehyuk?" Junkyu politely asked. Jaehyuk was surprised that these people know his name.

"U-uhh yes. That's me, how'd you know my name?" Jaehyuk asked this time. Junkyu smiled at him beofre responding.

"Asahi told us about you, we're glad to finally meet you" Jaehyuk unknowingly smiled again at what the koala said.

So he's been telling his friends about him? That means he thinks about him. He turned his gaze to the japanese who was still embarrassed of what his friends just witnessed.

"Asahi told you about me?" Jaehyuk both clueless and happily asked.

"Yeah, aren't you two boyfriends?" Jihoon added that they heard someone suddenly choked on his own saliva and that turns out to be Asahi Hamada at the back.


"Yes boyfriends, as in lovers" Jaehyuk liked the idea tho.

"Boyfriends.." Jaehyuk again mumbled and smiled at himself. He may look crazy right now but seriously, he suddenly wanted to be boyfriends with the latter.

Jaehyuk was about to say something when Asahi anxiously joined the conversation

"Hyung, why don't you arrange your things first. Let's go to my room so you should rest also, shall we?" Asahi anxiously offered his friends not wanting their conversation to go any more further.

"Asahi hyung, I didn't know that you had such a cute boyfriend" Haruto teased, the other japanese shot him a deadly glare.

"He isn't my boyfriend!" Asahi protested which made his japanese friend chuckle.

"Maybe soon. Sure" 

All Asahi could do is to face palm as his friend walked away from him following his hyungs to his room.

to be continued..

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