Y/N Y/L/N - scarlett :)

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Tw- cancer mentions, sick

Backstory- you are 16 years old and have recently been undergoing harsh chemotherapy and have lost most of your so called friends. After recovering from a cold you get a sweet surprise :)

Y/n pov-
I scrolled through my phone looking at everyone at prom in their beautiful dresses with their hair out perfectly in place. I looked at my camera and saw no hair at all. A single tear fell from my eye. Why am i such a freak?

The nurse came in and check on me to make sure everything was still being pumped through my body to make sure I'll at least have an attempt at living. This nurse was so sweet and kind, she told me funny stories brought me tissues when I cried and even held out the sick bowl when I threw up.
Nurse- hey y/n how u feeling
You (croaky) - not too bad
Nurse- we both know that's not true but your cold has gone now which means you can get out of intense care
You- oh the joys of life
The nurse laughed at ur sarcasm and got u up into the wheelchair and wheeled you back to your private room.

Your mum and dad came to visit every night for 30 minutes and then returned home to carry on living the perfect life with your sisters. Jessica was 14 and Tiffany was 13. They were both sporty and brats to be honest. You always felt bad complaining but you always felt like the black sheep at home. The place felt more like a hotel.

4 hours later you had had a nap and the nurse came to wake you up to make you aware of visitors you have.
Nurse- hey sweetie there are some special people here to see you. I sent out a tweet and it looks as if they saw it.
You look puzzled at what this crazy lady was going on about. You wriggled up to sit up and as you did that Chris Evans, Chris Hemsworth, Robert DJ and Scarlett Johansson walked through the door.
You- WTF!!!!!
Chris E- language! (Whilst he laughed with u)
You- ummmmm hi
You were kinda lost for words
Scarlett- hey Y/n how r u
You- ummm I'm good how r u
Scarlett- I'm good sweetie, I'm glad ur feeling better after what your nurse told us about
You go all pink in the cheeks as you are slightly embarrassed by your idols seeing you this sick.
RDJ- I brought you a present...
All of them- excuse you.... We brought you a present hahahaha
You chuckled slightly
They pull out a signed poster and other merch from the original avengers film. You start to tear up until Chris Hemsworth says- hey don't cry kiddo cos I don't like seeing people cry
The nurse wiped ur tears away.

A couple hours pass and the male members of the group say there goodbyes after photos were taken and food was eaten and laughs were shared. This had been the best day of your life. Scarlett asked you if it was alright to stay a little longer, of course you said it was alright she was your favourite person to exist.

Scarletts pov-
I looked at this poor sick girl fighting the battle of her life and just wanted to cry. She was so sweet and kind hearted I just couldn't leave her.
Y/n- hey are you ok you look kinda sad
Scarlett- no I'm fine I just don't wanna leave you. Look y/n/n you are the sweetest girl I've ever met (pre Scarlett having an actual child btw) and you don't deserve this. I feel so helpless, I just wanna be a part of your life and watch you win this battle against cancer. I've known you for 3 hours and I love you so much as if you were my child.

I pulled her in for a hug, her weak body gave everything just to hug back. She was so tired of fighting I could tell by the tears trickling down her face.
Y/n- I'm just so tired of fighting Scarlett. I just want to rest
Scarlett- I get it sweetie. You are giving it your everything and if you can fight that little bit harder but if not know I'll be so proud of you and I'll never forget you.

Y/n pov-
Just as she says this you start to violently throw up blood and about six nurses and doctors rush in and your heart rate starts to flat line. They start compressions on you but it's no use. You had lost the battle

Scarlett sat there holding your hand crying and crying because she had got so attached in the last couple hours that seeing you finally get to rest made her so thankful for her life. Y/n y/l/n would forever be in her heart. Whenever things got tough she would always push through for that special girl.

A/N - I dunno how I feel about this tbh- let me know
Sorry if this was kinda sad I'll do a happy one next lol. I also cba to check through sorry for spelling and grammar issues

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