Tolerate pt2

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- read pt1.....

Warnings: idk?

Your pov-
It's been a week since mine and mums fight. I still haven't really left my room. I know mum apologised but I don't forgive her yet. For the first couple days after it was just mum and I at home but we barely spoke. I told her that Wanda can come back as it's her home too and we needed someone else here. The tension was too much for me.

I've just been watching friends because it's the show mum and I used to watch when I was like 12. We loved the sitcom element of it. Well she did. I still do. I love Rachel so much.

Nats pov-
Y/n has been really off still, which I completely understand. I'm treading on eggshells around her. I don't want to force her to come spend time with me all the time because I know she doesn't want to. But tonight is the night we are all going to sit down and have dinner together.

I'm cooking jambalaya with chicken and chorizo because she loves it. Hopefully it might lift her spirits.

Nat: " y/n/n honey can you come out here."

No response.

I'm going to go to her room. Not going to shout because she might think I'm mad.

I knock and I hear a quiet "come in"

Nat: " I've cooked dinner, would it be alright if you come sit with Wanda and I tonight?"
You: " what's for dinner?"
Nat: "your favourite....."
You: " ok ok I'm coming"
Nat: " what season you on?"
You: " what?"
Nat: " friends...."

I point to the TV

You: "Oh yeh umm season 6 I think"
Nat: " nice. Right come on then it'll get cold otherwise"

Wandas pov- (should be interesting)
Nat just went to grab y/n and if I'm honest I'm nervous for this dinner. I cooked it and I'm hoping i did this right. I know I've really screwed up their mother daughter relationship and I'm ready to walk away from Nat if that what she needs. Yelena said her apartment is always open for me.

Nat and y/n are walking down the hallway and I'm just putting our plates on the table.

You: " this looks really good mum"
Nat: " Wanda cooked it sweetie"
You: " well then... it's looking good Wanda"
Wanda: " thank you y/n"

We peacefully eat away with little to nothing being said.

Wanda: " so y/n do you have any plans this week?"
You: " not really. I have ballet Tuesday, wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Then extra classes Saturday morning. But just some homework here and there because it's spring break"
Wanda: " wow you still have a lot going on. If you need driving anywhere I'm happy to drop you"
You: " thanks"

Back to silence again. Nat and y/n both don't lift their heads until they head a knock at the door.

Nat & y/n: " I'll get it"
You: " I'll get it mum you sit down"

Your pov-
I get to the door and open it to see my dad and Bucky standing in the door way.

Steve: " hey princess come give your old man a hug"
You: " oh just piss off."

Nats pov-
Steve is standing in the doorway with Bucky to mine and Wandas shock. He speaks to y/n and then she tells him to piss off and she storms to her room. I know she's really mad at her dad right now as well as me. He couldn't have had worse timing.

Steve: " Nat, Wanda nice to see you"
Nat: " wish I could say the same. What are you doing here?"
Steve: " thought I would surprise y/n"
Nat: " well now isn't the best time steve."
Steve: " why are you stopping me from seeing her?"
Nat: " I'm not but she made it pretty clear how she was feeling"
Steve: " ok well. This is my hotel, call me if she wants to see me"

He hands me the card of the hotel and I guide him out the door.

Nat: " well that started good then went downhill"
Wanda: " if that's what you want to call good then yeh"
Nat: " what do you mean. You and y/n were talking."
Wanda: " you and y/n didn't mutter a word to eachother or even look at each other. Look Nat if you want out then I'm ready to go. I don't want to be the cause of yours and y/n's downfall. I love you I really do but y/n needs her mother"
Nat: " no of course not. I think y/n and I need to carry on talking before any progress can be made."
Wanda: " would a drive be good for you guys"
Nat: " yeh I'll take her out now for McDonald's McFlurry or something"

I walk towards her room and see her lying on her bed in a ball crying. I walk over behind her and lay there giving her a hug. She shuffles in closer and we lay there for a while.

You: " mama"
Nat: " yes my little cub"
You: " I'm sorry"
Nat: "why are you apologising?"
You: " I've been so selfish and I've ruined our relationship because I'm just angry all the time"
Nat: " hey look at me right now"

She turns over and we lay looking at eachother, I cup her face with my hands.

Nat: " no apologising for things that aren't your fault. This is all my fault. I wish I could change what's happened here recently and I wish I could change your dad but I can't. I'm going to be a better mother y/n I promise you. Whatever you need I'm here. You want to see your dad, I'm right behind you. You want to punch him..... maybe don't but you get my point"

She starts tearing up.

Nat: " I'm living full of regret with every moment I've not been emotionally present. I may have been here but I wasn't really here recently and I am so sorry my darling. I'm your mother and there are no excuses. I just want us to go back to how we were, I miss you"
You: " I've missed you too mama"

She cuddles in close with her head in the crook of my neck, silently sobbing.

Nat: " you know I love you so much"
You: " I love you more"
Nat: "not possible"

We hear a knock at the door and we see a nervous looking Wanda standing in the doorway.

Wanda: " sorry to interrupt but do you guys want me to keep your dinner in the oven to keep it warm"
You: " Wanda come here"

I give her a reassuring look. Wanda walks round to the other side of the bed and y/n pats down on it.

Wanda goes to talk but y/n cuts her off
You: " as long as your here to stay...."
Wanda: " I'm not going anywhere."
You: " come here then and give your daughter a hug"

I look and wandas slightly scared face but she lets out a small smile.

You: " mom come on"

The three of us, lay there watching friends whilst y/n starts to fall asleep cuddled up to me and Wanda. I give y/n a little kiss on the head and stroke her hair. I almost lost my precious little angel to my selfish ways, I'll never ever put anything or anyone above her again. No mission, love or money is worth more than her.

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