Who? What? When?- Scarlett

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Request by @jkss_xo - hope it's ok. Reader is 16 in this.

Background info- you recently got a boyfriend but your mom (Scarlett) has been away so she doesn't know.

Your pov-
You- " bye call me later ok"
Tom(B/f)- "of course gorgeous.
I shut the door and my heart melts. He was perfect. We had just done it. I'm of legal age I mean he's a year older. I'm no longer a virgin, out of all my friends i was the last one. It was kind of painful but it got really good after a while. We used protection and everything so I should be fine. Right?

Scarletts pov-
I was out filming in Budapest and I had left my daughter at home by herself with Chris occasionally checking on her. So far no parties or any problems I was really proud of her. Our contact has been strong so I have had no worries. Only 1 month to go until I get to see her in person again.

Your pov-
The last couple of weeks had been great. Chris has been popping in and out and I've been hiding Tom from everyone. If one word gets back to mom she won't kill me but she'll want to talk and to meet him.

I open the front door to see Tom standing there holding a bunch of flowers.
You- " are these for me?"
Tom- " is this not what boyfriends are for?"
You- " I won't say no to flowers"
He walks through and places the flowers in a vase to put in the counter, water in them ofc.
Tom- " want to watch a movie?"
You- " yeh sure. Cinema room?"
Tom- " yessssssssss"
You- " ok let's go"
He scoops me up bridal style and runs through the house and we are both laughing. He let me pick the movie and I decided on mamma Mia. I'm a sucker for musicals. As the movie goes on he places his arm over my shoulder and hints at me to snuggle into him. He gives me a little kiss on my head.
Tom- " you ok?"
You- " yeh"
Tom somehow turns me so I'm straddling his lap. He cups my face and kisses me. He takes my jumper off and his. We are about to go at it again. When we hear the front door open.
Tom- " shit who is it?"
You- " I don't know, quickly go hide"
Tom runs off and you quickly get dressed.
Chris- " y/n are you here?"
You- " yeh one second I'm in the cinema room"
Chris- " ok just popping over to check on you your mom was worried. You didn't answer her messages"
You- " oh my phone is in my room I've been watching movies all day"
Chris- " ok see you later sweetheart"
You- " bye"

Chris pov-
On my way out I notice some mens sneakers that aren't mine and definitely not Scarlett's or y/n's. I'll text Scarlett about it later.

(Chris did not text scarlett about it. He forgot)

Your pov-
Tom comes back from his hiding spot and we continue to make out and yanno do the deed. ( I cba to write smut today soz)

One week later-

I've missed my period. Mom is coming home today. My period is always on time. Im never late. We've been using protection. Im 16. I can't be a mom. Shit. I hear the door unlock. It's mom.

Scarlett- " y/n/n???"
You don't respond too busy crying.
Scarlett-" baby are you here?"
You- " I'm in my room"
( secretly scarlett had wished for some more excitement but this will do)
Scarlett- " hey stranger. Oh hey mom I haven't seen you in 3 months I've missed you so much"
You- " I'm sorry"
You get up and give her the tightest hug you possibly can. You were glad to see her. You were also on the verge on tears again. Of course Scarlett sensed it.

Scarlett- " what's going on"
You- " I might be pregnant"
Scarlett- " WHAT. I thought you were a virgin"
You- " please don't kill me"
Scarlett- " I'm not mad just wtf y/n. When did u get a boyfriend and how did it not come up when we were messaging everyday?"
You- " I knew you would freak out so I didn't say anything"
Scarlett- " come to my room I have pregnancy tests and you go into my bathroom and take one ok. We will go from there"
You- " ok"

I take the test and call mom into the bathroom and she has her arm around me whilst I cry. I don't want a child. Mom sees the negative line and tells me to look at the counter.
You- " oh thank fuck"
Scarlett- " yeh me and you both. Now let's have a talk young lady. One I'm ok with you having a boyfriend. Two don't hide stuff from me. Three are you using protection"
You- " one I'm glad, I will have to invite him round soon. Two notes and I'm sorry. Three yes I am"
Scarlett- " ok I am happy with that answer. I consider this our talk done. Not the way I wanted but it is what it is. I love you so much and I missed you"
You- " I love you too and I missed you more"
Scarlett- " not possible"

A/n- hope this ok. <3 working on other requests xx

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