Storms - NR

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Backstory: your an ex military soldier who suffers from mild PTSD. Natasha is your girlfriend.

- pure fluff for this one

Natashas pov:

I look at the weather forecast and I see that there is a storm tonight. Y/n and I are taking a break from work at the moment after y/n came back from a tour (army). Something happened out there, because she isn't the same person she was before she left. Of course I'm worried but she asked for leave and was granted it. I got time off as Fury seemed to know more than I did about y/n so was keen for us to head off. We are staying in England and it's really hot, but like a sticky heat.
(A/n - I've been dying the past couple days)

Y/n has just gone to have a shower as she has one the same time everyday. It's important for her to keep her routine the same I think.

You: " Natasha can you come here"

I rush into the bathroom and see blood running down her leg from her knee.

You: " I was shaving and I cut myself can you get me a plaster"
Nat: "Of course"

I get the plaster and stick it on her knee. I give it a little kiss because that's what Melina used to do when I was a kid.

The only person I'm ever soft with is y/n. I'm hard as rock to the rest of the world but with her my heart melts everytime I look at her.

Nat: " what do you want to do today?"
You: " the weather feels too hot to do anything. Can we just stay here and chill I'm really tired? But if not I'm happy to go out if you want to"
Nat: " baby of course it's ok. As long as I'm with you it doesn't matter what we are doing"

I scoop her up bridal style and take her into the bedroom.

You: " I love you Natasha."
Nat: " I love you too bubs"

She gets changed and we settle down on the sofa.

- time skip-

We are getting into bed after a long day of relaxing and sunbathing. I hear the rumble and y/n immediately sits up on the bed.

You: " what was that"
Nat: " just a bit of thunder my love"
You: " ok"

Again a louder rumble followed by lightning. I can feel her tense up. The rain begins to downpour. It's so loud I can barely hear y/n crying.

Nat: " hey hey... it's ok it's just a storm it will pass"
You: " please just hold me. I'm scared"

I bring her head onto my chest and I brush my fingers through her hair whilst she cries. The storm only gets more violent and I have no idea how long it's going to last.

I continue to stroke her back and hold her close so she can hear my heartbeat, so she knows she's not alone.

Nat: " I'm here"
You: " make....make it stop please"

She starts shaking.

You: " don't hurt her please don't hurt her"
Nat: "what are you talking about y/n"
You: " you'll be ok. I'm here I'm here"

I realise she's having a flashback. The doctor told me that these could vary in severity and intensity.

Nat: " it's Natasha. Your ok. Your in bed. I'm here. It's just a storm. You are safe."

After 30 minutes the flashback stops and she stops shaking. She holds me tighter.

The storm has died down a bit now. However her breathing is shaky.

Nat: " follow my breathing y/n it's ok"

We do that for another 10 minutes and she cries a bit more.

Nat: " don't cry bubs it's all over now"
You: " I'm so sorry Nat.  You shouldn't have seen that"
Nat: "don't ever apologise for that. Ever"

Nat: " I love you and I'm here for it all. The good, the bad and the ugly. I'm here if you want to talk about it or not"

We stay cuddled in bed together for the rest of the night. She doesn't say much after that. She just whispers that she loves me every now and again.

I stay awake for the rest of the night to make sure she sleeps and will be ok.

She appears peaceful when she's sleeping but every now and again I see a small flinch because I know she's reliving what happened.

If I could take it all away I would.

I miss her even though she's still here.

I continue to draw circles on her back or run my fingers delicately through her hair.

She's so precious and I want nothing more than to keep her safe. I'm scared for if she decides to leave again, but I'll be waiting with open arms when she returns.

A/n: this is short and shit but a fluff post of soft Nat.

But there's a big ish storm rn which inspired this.

If you have a request.... Feel free to message me or comment :)

Hope ur all safe and well

Natasha/ Scarlett x fem reader ONE SHOTSWhere stories live. Discover now