Your never here- NR

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Daughter reader-

Tw- mental health issues and drug use

Nats pov-
Bucky and I had y/n 18 years ago now when I was in the red room and he was with hydra. Bucky and I managed to escape with y/n and we have tried to protect her with our lives. She's had a fair share of trauma. Bucky tried to kill her when he was brainwashed. But that was 2 years ago now.

Nat- " Tony how long until we are going home?"
Tony- " we are stopping at Barton's. The threat level is high Nat and we are on there radar. Don't worry Peters Aunt is taking care of y/n."

For fuck sake. Honestly I need to check up on how she is doing. Last time I saw her we had just gotten in a massive fight and she had left to go to Peters and had returned the next day once I had left. This was 3 weeks ago. I'm not sorry for what I said. She needs to fucking sort herself out. She's so impulsive and goes through stages where she is out for days and is almost manic and then there are weeks were she refuses to get out of bed.

We had gotten in a fight about her coming late and not answering her phone. I had every reason to be mad.

It's 4am and she left for the school the day before at 7.30am. Where the hell could she be. I hear the door unlock. I've been calling her. I called Peter he had no idea where she was.
Nat-"Where have you been?"
You-"I'm sorry. My phone died."

She's had a history of drug use. I knew what she was like

Nat- "Bullshit. You're doing drugs."
You-"I'm not doing drugs."
Nat-"Then where have you been? And why weren't you answering you phone? Why are you sneaking into the house?"
You- "I was with someone."
Nat- "Who?"
You- "It... It doesn't matter, Mom."
Nat- "It matters, y/n. It matters. You're doing drugs. You're still grounded until I don't even fucking know."
You- " you make everything fucking worse"

She starts shouting and pointing in my face.
Nat- " back the fuck up"
You- " your such a fucking bitch mom"
Nat- "Oh I'm a bitch"
You- " yeh your a fucking bitch cos you just...."
Bucky- " woah y/n calm down"

He holds her back as she is still shouting at me.
Nat- " what are we gonna fucking do with you for fuck sake y/n."

Bucky started to shout.
Bucky- " obviously there is something fucking wrong with her and she needs fucking help"
Nat- " of course there's something wrong with her she's fucking mental"

She was sitting on the floor, knees to her chest.
Nat- " and I'm tired of you using it as an excuse Bucky. It doesn't matter. I'm done I can't do it anymore."
You- " your fucking crazy mom. Fucking psychotic bitch you make me wanna do drugs. Fuck this shit"
Nat- " I want to drug test you right now"
You- " NO WHY. You don't need to fucking drug test me all the time"
Nat- " you only have yourself to blame for that y/n"
You-" fuck you"

She walked out. Slamming the door and I tried going after her but Bucky stopped me.
Bucky- " you proud Nat. She's fucking mentally ill. We know this. You don't need to be saying all this shit"
Nat- " why do you keep defending her."
Bucky- " it doesn't fucking matter. Go to sleep. I'll stay up."

Bucky stayed up all night waiting for her. She didn't come home. She went to Peters instead. Aunt May text us the next day.

Then we have been on the mission ever since. Tony has reassured me that she's ok. Jarvis has been supervising but she's going to Mays now because we are facing potential threats.

Clint- " Nat come on. Let's go inside. The kids are excited to see you"

I walk inside and they come running up to me. I love these kids and Clint hasn't screwed them up. I wish i could've done better with y/n.

Bucky- " she's fine Nat."
Nat- " I have a gut feeling Buck."

Tony-" I've got to take a call I'll be back"

Tony's pov-
Tony- "May is everything ok?"
May- " y/n. A couple days ago I couldn't get her out of bed and she now hasn't come home in 16 hours and I'm scared. I've called the police stations but they said I had to wait 24 hours to file a report."
Tony- " y/n gets like this. She will be back soon May. Just let her do her thing. She might be back at the compound let me check........ May she's outside the compound. She's ok. I'm going to send Fury over. Don't worry about her ok."

Tony- hey Fury can you go get y/n. Keep her in a cell or something until Nat and Bucky can get back.

Fury- yep on my way

Your pov-
I had been out all night living my best life. I was on top of the fucking world. I had snorted a bit too much and had passed out infront of the compound. It was locked so I couldn't get in. I was sitting on the grass and then I see a car pull up.

You- " uncle furyyyyyy"
Fury- " y/n stay where you are we aren't going to hurt you"

All of a sudden three agents come and grab my arms whilst I start trying to fight my way out.

Nats pov-
Tony came in and told me what was happening. Bucky and I left and arrived where Fury was keeping y/n.

You- " mama help me"

She was banging on the glass. Her hands were bleeding
Bucky- " hey y/n. Stop. It's ok. I'm here. Just try taking a deep breath for me"
Nat-" I'll go get some bandages"
Bucky- " Nat I think she's high again. She's relapsed and bad"
Nat- " I know"

Y/n was sobbing into buckys arms whilst I bandaged up her hands.
You- "please help me. I'm so tired."

My heart was broken. How could I have treated her so badly. It's a chemical imbalance. She can't help it.
Nat- " mamas here. We are going to get you the help. Just try and lay on my lap and rest your eyes."

We are sitting on the floor or the cell and Bucky is stroking her back.
Nat- " what do we do"
Bucky- " we help her but keep her with us. 24/7 care at the compound. If we send her away she'll never come back"
Nat-" how did I not realise this was happening at this rate."
Bucky- " Nat your a full time superhero. Don't beat yourself up"

She rests her head on his shoulder as you sleep for a while.

An- a lot of this is from euphoria. Also part 2????

But guys I have covid and I was supposed to be going to London on Monday and now I have covid. Crying but it's fine.

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