Today is over..... - S.J

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Mama scar x daughter reader

- I have had the most comically awful day it's not even funny.

Backstory: you are 17 years old and having some issues with your stomach like your mum has and you are in the process of getting it checked. And some more stuff :) (based off my life )

Your pov:

Dr: " so miss Johansson it's safe to say I am diagnosing you with IBS. It's slightly different from what your mother suffers with but I need you to cut out gluten for a while as well as taking this medication if that's ok."
You: " yes thank you"

That was one hell of a visit. A rectal exam is quite possibly the weirdest thing to ever exist. I go and collect my medication and head home in my car. Mum is still at work, so I'm going to have to go food shopping myself.

As I'm walking round the shops I start to panic because I cannot find any gluten free foods. The shop is starting to spin and I'm panicking. Deep breaths. In for 1 out for 3, in for 1 out for 3.

I manage to calm myself down and find a shop assistant which helps me shop for the foods.

You: " thank you so much"
Shop assistant: " anytime"

I pay for the shopping and get in my car and drive home. I put it all away and go sit on the sofa for a bit.

- time skip- (cos we are napping)

Scarletts pov:
I walk through the door in a bit of a worried state I haven't heard from y/n all day and she didn't answer my call when I was saying I was leaving set.

I walk in and see her fast asleep on the sofa. I find a blanket and drape it over her whilst I get dinner ready for us. As I'm looking in the fridge I see loads of gluten free foods, I'm confused because I definitely did not buy these. I hear my daughter stirring in the lounge and I walk in to go see her.

You: (grumbly) mama you're home
Scarlett: " hey little one, you ok how did the doctors go I've been worried sick"
You: " I definitely have IBS and have to take medication before meals and also gluten free. ANd I had a rectal exam which was horrible"
Scarlett: " oh my. You really went through it today"

I go next to her and snuggle up.

Scarlett: " you went food shopping i see as well?"
You: " yep!"
Scarlett: " let me get started on dinner"

- time skip -

I drag y/n out to walk to the dogs with me because I really hate going on my own.

You: " how was set today?"
Scarlett: " it was good, how did your school work go?"
You: " fine why?"
Scarlett: " I just want to make sure that homeschooling was the right choice"
You: " definitely was"

We carry on walking and then y/n lets out a shriek and starts crying and wacking her legs.

Scarlett: " omg what's wrong???"
You: " I've been stung it hurts mama"
Scarlett: " where"
You: " once.... Once on my finger, twice on my leg and my ankle... I don't know how many times it hurts so bad"

(A/n- this has fr been my week, I got stung 6 times by an ambush wasp attack yesterday. Mercury is in retrograde.....)

I carry her back home whilst trying to control two dogs and quickly wash all the spots where she got stung. Her ankle is so huge and her finger has expanded as well. She's stopped crying and just sniffles every now and again.

I apply the cream and give her some medication.

Scarlett: " my poor baby"
You: " how has this all happened in one day"

She laughs ironically.
Scarlett: " why are you laughing?"
You: " I just want today to be over"
Scarlett: " it's only 7.30"
You: " can we just watch a movie and then I can sleep"
Scarlett: " of course baby"

She puts on 10 things I hate about you and the two dogs cuddle up to us. Her head is on my shoulder.

Scarlett: " y/n"
You: " mhm"
Scarlett: " don't worry, let's just get you up to bed baby you're exhausted"

We get up to her bedroom and she goes into the bathroom to brush her teeth and was her face. The two puppies just follow us and sit on the floor. She walks back in and flops onto her bed.

You: " I feel awake now"
Scarlett: " shall I read some of my script to you?"
You: " oooooo yessss please"

I start to read the script, so I can practice my lines and she can relax. I feel her snuggle closely so she's practically lying on top of me.

I put down the script and slowly wiggle away. Her little puppy moves to where I was because it's warmer and she's out like a light.

- the next morning-

I am rushing around and I go into check on y/n. She's not in her room. It's 6.30am, it's so early. Where is she?

The dog is still passed out in her bed. I walk downstairs and see my daughter making me breakfast.

You: " taaaa dahhhhhh"
Scarlett: " oh baby you are adorable.... Thank you"
You: " I know you have a long day today so breakfast is very important"
Scarlett: " have you eaten?"
You: " not yet I'm not hungry"
Scarlett: " y/n. I know gluten free things aren't exactly tasty but you need to eat."
You: " mama stop worrying I'm not like that anymore"
Scarlett: " I'm not saying you are. But please a banana or something before I go"

She reluctantly eats a banana.

Scarlett: " right I'm off. I love you lots and I promise today will be better than yesterday, just avoid wasps and doctors and you will be fine"

You: " bye mama love you lots"

A/n- there is not plot line to this but fr this is just me venting lol because HOW DID I MANAGE TO GET STUNG 6 TIMES.

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