I didnt want you to be alone- NR

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Backstory- y/n y/l/n an 18 year old with no parents and Nanny of young Morgan stark. Natasha isn't dead btw pretend it's like 2015 or something.

Morgan's pov-
I love my nanny. She reads to me, cooks for me, plays with me, takes me to the doctors to the park. You name it she does it. She's so pretty and always has a smile on her face. I mean I've seen her cry but I was supposed to be asleep. She has great style as well she helps me pick out clothes from my favourite shops. She's like a best friend. I'm only 4 and she's 18 but she calls me her little princess. I call her the queen. Anyway she took me to pre-school today and off she drove in the car my dad gave her.

Your pov-
I dropped the little princess off at school and drove off to the stark tower. I'm not just Morgan's nanny I'm also Miss Potts' assistant. Pepper runs stark industries so she's a very busy lady.

I walk through the door and ask Jarvis where I could find miss Potts.
Jarvis- " Miss Potts had to leave for Paris last minute and left u a list on the side of things to do"
You- "thank you"

You weren't going to lie, you were treated like crap (no hate to pepper) by pepper. You got that she was busy but u were basically raising her daughter whilst helping her run a company.

Hi y/n
Sorry had to go to Paris. Take Morgan to after school activities etc but while she is there I need you to do these jobs.
- pick up Mr Starks dry cleaning and drop it to his office in the penthouse floor
- clean the dishes
- tidy mine and Morgan's room
- fluff the pillows
- order the food shopping
- take my car to the car cleaners. Give them the spare key as I don't want to lose the key ring on my other one.

That will be all

You look at the list and start to cry. You were so tired and feeling so low as today is the anniversary of your parents death. You had planned to pick up flowers go the graves and then pick Morgan up for ice cream. You wiped your eyes and shook your face.
You- " stop being pathetic y/n. This is life"

You cleaned the dishes, all the rooms and did all the chores as well as taking peppers car to the car wash. It was time for lunch but you wanted to get the dry cleaning done so you could get to your parents grave before picking Morgan up at 4.

Time skip-

You were walking into the Stark tower and said hi to the life operator Jim who always says hi. You got in the lift with Mr Starks dry cleaning and pressed the button for the penthouse floor. You had never been there before. You knew it was where the avengers hung out normally.

The doors pinged open and you walked towards Mr Starks office and knocked on the door.
Tony- " come in"
You- " I have your dry cleaning Mr Sta... oh my god shit sorry I said shit oops said it again ummm I didn't mean to interrupt I'll go put this anywhere else. Goodbye sorry again"

HOLY FUCK. You just walked in on all the avengers having a meeting. 
Tony- " wait come back?"
You- "yes sir"
Tony- " meet everyone "
They all say hi. But there's one red head who caught your attention with her seductive voice.
You- " hi. I best being going now. Where do you want the suit now?"
Tony- " just pass it here kid thank you. Isn't today yanno. ( you look at him sadly and nod) I'm sorry kid take the day off go visit them and I'll go pick Morgan up."
You- " not it's fine..."
He cuts you off
Tony- " y/n go now it's not an option it's an order"
You smiled sadly and walked off, shutting the door gently behind you.

You are about to get in the lift when the doors start to shut.
Red head- " hey can you keep the doors open"
You press the button.
Redhead- " thank you. Natasha Romanoff by the way"
You- " y/n y/l/n"
Natasha- " what's so bad about today"
You- " oh nothing just a personal matter"
Natasha- " my bad a personal issue. ( you start to tear up) oh shit im sorry. Come here sweetheart tell me what's wrong."
She presses the emergency stop button so you'd an calm down before getting out. You proceed to tell her everything and you start to hysterically cry and she pulls you in for a hug, which was unusual for her but you were only a kid really.
Natasha- " hey look here's my number if you need company tonight"
You- " thanks I should be going now"

Your cold nature threw her off, one minute you were crying the next you were numb and professional again. She assumed it was just the nature of your job.

Time skip-
You placing flowers at your parents grave when you hear footsteps behind you.
Natasha- " I didn't want you to be alone"
You smile at her faintly and she comes and sits beside you and you put your head on her shoulder. She puts her arm around you and strokes you hair.
You- " I'm sorry I was so cold earlier"
Nat- " don't worry sweetheart. It's a difficult day for you I understand. Why don't you come back to the tower with me and we can watch a movie or something.
You smile knowing you weren't so alone after all.

A/N- any requests for new one shots. Hope your all ok <3

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