I dont care- SJ

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TW- abuse

Your pov-
Today was the day some celebrities were coming into school. Like I literally cared. I went to school and was ignored only to come home to be hit for getting in trouble at school so I just stayed in my room. I always was in trouble at school for my 'attitude'. I just didn't understand it so I didn't try. The teachers didn't put the effort in to help me so I didn't try.

I walked into class and sat at the back in the corner and slumped down on my seat. " y/n today your sitting at the front"
you- "why?"
Teacher- " because you don't concentrate"
You- " if you sit me at the front I'm leaving"
Teacher- " fine stay at the back just try and work please"
You roll your eyes. I'm trying ok I just can't focus. I'm always worried about home. I want to run away but I've tried before and the police found me and took me home. It ended up with me having bruised kidneys and a black eye.
Teacher- " y/n focus to the front we have some special guests"

Scarletts pov-
I walk into the class and all the kids looked shock. Me and Downey smile give the kids an inspirational talk they are all around 16. They all took some photos and signed some autographs and then the teacher told them they needed to carry on with work. They all resumed work and me and Downey sat at the back. In the corner I hadn't noticed a girl sitting at the back, she was on her phone, she had heavy makeup but it looked pretty. I walked over to her and crouched beside the desk. She didn't notice me so I whispered "hi" she looked up at me and smiled. Her hood was up and she seemed very reserved.
Scarlett - " do u wanna get off your phone and start the work?"
Y/n - " no"
She didn't seem to care who I was, which was kinda weird but nice.
Y/n- " I get it your Scarlett Johansson and the dude over their is RDJ but you do this for press and you will forget all about us by tomoz. So your little good will act can just stop. I know you don't care. I don't care. No one cares about me... sorry I meant us"
The teacher looks towards us and mouths "is everything ok?" I just smile back. The girl gets up slams her desk on the floor and walks out.
Teacher - " I'm sorry about y/n she gets like this she'll be back soon"
Scarlett- " I'll be back in a second"
I follow the y/n down the corridor and she is punching a locker.
Scarlett- " sweetie stop your hurting yourself."
The girl is crying. And stops and I hug her she crumpled into my arms.
Y/n- " I can't do it. I don't get the work. I don't get any of it and everyone is just waiting for me to fail."
As her makeup starts to wash of I see her eye is all bruised.
Scarlett- " y/n is someone hurting you"
Y/n- " at home yes and I don't want to do this anymore"
Scarlett- " come home with me. We can sort out the details soon but I can't leave you like this. I do care about you y/n. I promise you I can make this better for you."
I cuddled her closer and we are sitting on the floor in the corridor. She is still crying and I'm just rubbing her back.
Scarlett- " I know you care about school. If you didn't care you wouldn't be crying"

Natasha/ Scarlett x fem reader ONE SHOTSWhere stories live. Discover now