Getaway car pt2

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6 months later
Nat pov-

Nat: "y/n we've gotta go like now sweetie"
You: " where are we going"
Nat: " to bust some people out of jail"
You: " sounds fun"

We get on my motorbike. We are meeting Steve , y/n hasn't met him yet but I'm sure more people will be good for her.

Nat: "We are meeting one of my friends before we go."
You: " ok"

Somethings wrong. She's playing with the rings I gave her. I lift up her head.

Nat: " talk to me what's wrong"
You: " what if they see my scars? What if they think I'm a freak?"
Nat: "y/n/n sweetie, he's seen mine and there is no judgment. Steve would never judge you for things that weren't your fault, we are all on the same side"

I give her a little kiss on the forehead for reassurance and bring her in close for a hug. I get back on the bike and start the engine. We have a destination to get to.

- some time later-

Steve: " Nat. Boy do you know I'm glad to see you. Who's is this?"
Nat: " I'm glad to see you still alive Steve and this is my new friend y/n."
Steve: " nice to meet you y/n"

He goes in to hug her and she hugs him back. It's so cute.

Steve: " right y/n, I'm guessing Nat told you about the situation we are in so we've got to bust a couple people out of jail. Scott Lang, Clint Barton, Wanda Maximoff and Sam Wilson"
Nat: " what about Bucky?"
Steve: " he's in Wakanda right now."
Nat: " ah ok. You ready to go y/n. So Steve has the quin jet and your going to stay in control, it's auto pilot whilst we go inside ok"
You: " got it"

I whisper in her ear- " you have got this. I told you, he'd like you"

She smiles back at me. She has this genuine smile which melts my heart, it doesn't come often but when it does it's the most special thing.

Your pov-

Nat and Steve have gone inside and I'm sitting in the pilots seat. I head alarms going off and all of them running out I quickly open the door at the back at they all get inside. Steve runs to the front and we start moving, all of them give puzzled looks as Nat comes over and gives me a kiss on the top of my head. She's bleeding so I go get the first aid kit for her.

Nat: " it's only a tiny scratch don't worry"
You: " nat..."
Nat: " ok fine"
You: " see, now you won't have a scar on your head"

I let out a little smug smile.

Nat: " so everyone let's clear the elephant in the room. This is y/n y/l/n. She's been on the run with me for different reasons of course but she's one of us now."

She points over to everyone and tells me who they all are.

Nat: " Wanda is a year or two older than you" (PRETEND THIS IS TRUE)

I go sit down next to Wanda and we get to talking and we become really close on the journey to a safe house Steve and Nat decided on.

Private convo between Nat and Wanda once everyone had landed.

Wanda: " I read her mind Nat. Everything that's happened to her, the reason she's here."
Nat: " she's had a rough couple of years, I'm doing everything I can to protect her and I need you to take care of her as a friend more than anything"
Wanda: " yanno your like her mom. It's cute"
Nat: " oh wow..... unmmmm.... Yeh.... I guess"

(Your back from the toilet)
You: " you guess what?"
Wanda: " I just said Nat is like a motherly figure to you"
You: " yeh you could say that. There's other things I could say but I don't want to overstep"
Nat: " say it y/n/n. I won't judge"
You: " your my mom in my mind. I keep almost going to call you it."
Nat: " I've never been more happy, come here bubs"

I go over and cuddle her. She's right, natasha has been more like a mom to me than my birth mother ever was.

- time skip-

Wanda and I are stargazing on the roof of the safe house as we can literally see thousands of stars it's beautiful. She's beautiful.

Wanda: " what's on your mind y/n"
You: " just life you know. It's crazy how it all changed."
Wanda: " I know what you mean."

We rolled over so we were facing eachother.

Wanda: " after sokovia was destroyed and pietro died I didn't know what to do. Clint took me in as Pietro sacrificed himself for Clint. Then the accords civil war happened and I got caught and ended up there. And the situation in Nigeria. Today is the first day I've felt some kind of peace since I was a child. Anyway... what led you here?"
You: " i came out to my parents after really struggling to accept myself. They didn't take it well and I started to spiral...... I was cutting.... I wasn't eating. I got sent away. This place caused more damage then heal me. So I ran away. So far I ended up in Norway, where I didn't realise I was crashing in Natashas trailer. That's how I met her. Tomorrow is actually my 6 months marker. I wouldn't be here without her. I owe her everything"

I look at her and she smiles. My heart melts.

Wanda: " you have a heart of pure gold y/n."

Just as we start to lean in to kiss I hear " WANDA.... Y/N!!!"

Wanda: " such a mom I swear"

I giggle and we head off the rough. Wanda helps me down.

Nat: " where were you I was worried?"
You: " just stargazing"
Nat: " we have signal here. Do you want to watch a movie with the rest of us?"
You: " yeh sure."

I have mom on one side and Wanda on the other. Wanda hand is holding mine and I'm cuddled up to my mom on the other.

See something good can start in a getaway car

A/n: boy this was difficult to write but I low-key loved it. I had no idea where it was going but here we are.

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