Cold girl - SJ

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Reader is 21
Scarlett is like 26 (imagine)

Backstory- you are on set filming in Edinburgh Scotland. You and Scarlett and filming infinity war. The other people on set are Chris E, Lizzie, Paul B. Your playing The white widow  so Scarlett is trying her best to bond with you but your a bit closed off.

Tw- smoking , angst

Your pov-
"Can I get 1 pack please."
Shop owner- " ID please"

I show him my id. He looks at me and then the ID.
Shop owner- " wait your that actress. Can I get an autograph"
You- " why not. What's your name?"
Shop owner- " Adrian. You know what buy one get one free"
You- " cheers. Have a nice one"
Adrian- " bye miss y/l/n"

I light one up and start to walk through the streets. The old cobblestone paths are beautiful. It's September time so tourist season is over, so the best time for filming. I take a long drag and sigh. I'm genuinely exhausted and miss my bed. The trailer beds don't feel the same, my small little apartment in  Manhattan was everything I needed but acting was my passion.

Being amongst the big stars like the marvel cast was truly and honour and this is now my third film, in a couple years we are starting to film black widow which is very exciting. Scarlett is really nice to me, she's trying to build a really strong bond with me and I appreciate it but I'm too scared to let people in. I'm not close to my family, after I came out they got all weird and said it wasn't the Christian way so I packed my things and moved to New York. It's given me some issues but here we are. I don't want to get too attached to anyone so I don't. I have one night stands and move on.

I'm almost back at set, I stump out my cig and walk back to my trailer.

Chris - " y/nnn where you been"
You- " for a walk, what about you chrissy"

He hates when I call him Chrissy.
Chris- " not much, a bit of drinking with the gang but I'm off to bed I'll see you tomorrow"
You- "night Chris"

Chris pov-
I text Scarlett. She was worried about where y/n was,  the girl just disappears and then bam she appears again.  Scarlett is trying to build a bond with y/n but the girl is as cold as ice. She's so sweet and kind but she never opens up.

Text messages
Chris- she's back
Scarlett- she ok
Chris- perfectly fine scarjo
Scarlett- should I go check on her
Chris- go for it

Scarlett's pov
I knock on y/n's trailer and hear some Lana del Rey on in the background. She comes to the door with a cig in her hand. I frown and tilt my head.
You- " earth to Scarlett?"
Scarlett- " yes sorry. Just checking if your ok"
You- " yeh I'm fine why wouldn't I be"
Scarlett- " you disappeared and people who listen to Lana Del Rey normally are not ok"

I start to walk through the door and sit down. She puts out her cig and opens the window to get some air through.
You- " so what's up"
Scarlett- " why are you so cold"

Well that got straight to the point.

You- " I beg your pardon"
Scarlett- " shit sorry that came out wrong. It's that I've known you since you were 18 and I feel like I don't know know you. Do you not like me or something, did I say anything?"
You- " oh god no Scarlett, your amazing and I like you a lot. I guess I'm just not a warm person, got some attachment issues you know...."

She lights up another cig and sits by the window.

Scarlett- " I'm sorry, I should go"
You- " stay"

I look up. I am truly surprised.

You- " do you want one?"
Scarlett- " I shouldn't but sure. One won't hurt. Nasty habit, you should try stop"
You-" don't lecture me Johansson."
Scarlett- " ok ok. Lecture over. So why don't we get to know each other better"
You- " ok I'll go first. I'm gay."
Scarlett- " well so am I. Well bi but yes"
You- " that's cool. I'm from Arizona"

She blushes after I tell her I'm bi and I smile at her.

Scarlett- " true New Yorker I am. So why did you move"
You- " Christian parents, comes out gay, you know the drill"
Scarlett- " shit I'm sorry. You really didn't deserve that"

She starts to tear up and I pull her in for a hug.
You - " I'm sorry. God I feel gross. And my eyeliner and mascara is gonna smudge"
Scarlett- " well that's a shame. I'm sure you look gross."

She playfully hits my arm. I stub out my cig and hers. She sits up and wipes her face.

Scarlett- " truly terrifying."
I let out a giggle and so does she. She leans in and kisses me. I kiss her back and hold her close.
You- " I'm sorry"

Our heads are together and I smile. "There's no reason to apologise."
I kiss her back and she straddles my lap.
You- " am I still cold?"
Scarlett- " hmmm I guess not, I am still in shock."

A/n- pt2.......

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