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Tw- harsh words ig
Backstory- Natasha is your adoptive mother and she hasn't been paying you any attention and you hve had enough. Your American just for reference as (mom) is used

Your pov-
"Hey mom, do you wanna do some training or watch a movie or something"
Nat- "I'm really busy right now y/n can we do something later"
This is the 5th time this week she's said let's do something later she's always with Steve. I get it there's some like unforbidden love or whatever but I'm her "daughter" and she should want to spend some time for me.
I've literally been doing nothing. Wasting my teenage days. I'm being dramatic as per usual. I haven't had an easy childhood, I was raised by hydra for fuck sake. I should be out murdering people right now not watching greys anatomy on my own. I'm 16 I can do what I want.
I text my friends
You- hey wanna go on a trip
Kendall- yeh sure
Jamie- omg sounds like a plan where we goin
You- wanna go to Florida? Disney and all that?
Kyle- I'm late to this convo but yes I wanna come

(Your friend group is 2 girls 2 boys and you kinda have thing going on with Jamie but your not rlly sure yet)
You- ok that's a plan see you in 30 minutes by the usual bridge we will get a bus and go from there bring money guys.
Kendall- ok how much should I steal of my dad
Jamie- I'd say like 500 he wouldn't notice anyway
You- I'm gonna get a 1000 off stark anyway he won't notice
Kyle- kool see u soon guys

Nats pov-
I feel so bad I've been ignoring y/n all week I've been crazy busy with work. Considering all the trauma that kids been through I'm surprised she's not off the rails. All she rlly does is lounge around the compound and watch tv. I can leave this pile of work for 5 minutes and go check on her.
I walk into her room and she's packing a rucksack full of clothes and other crap she needs for a possible trip?
Nat- hey kid what are you doing
Y/n (caught off guard) - shit Nat u scared me
Y/n- I'm going to Kendall's for a sleepover if that's ok
Nat- yeh sure don't do anything stupid ok
Y/n- yeh I know I know. Bye mom

Your pov-
I felt so bad lying to her but it's only a trip and I'll be with Kendall anyway so it won't cause harm anyways. I walk out of my room and into Starks office.
You- heyyyy tonyyyyy
Tony- hey kiddo what do u need
You- could I have some money for dinner tonight I'm taking my friend to a restaurant for her bday
Tony- I'll give you $1000 but I expect some change
You- thank you so much
Tony- don't sweat it, I make that much a minute

You walk out the compound and head towards the bridge to see your friends waiting for you.
Jamie- hey you alright
You- yeh I feel bad for lying to Nat but it'll be fine
Jamie- we all had to lie it's fine
Kendall and Kyle- can we just get on the bus
You- yep let's go. And then your phones off so they can't see our locations
Jamie- your a genius miss Romanoff
You- I know

2 hours into the bus ride your snuggled up on Jamie's shoulder when you open your eyes to see that your still on the same bus.
You- how long was I out for
Jamie- about 2 hours. You look worried just chill out and enjoy yourself
You- ok

Nats pov-
Tony- hey Nat y/n asked for money tonight to take her friends out for dinner is that where she's going she looked rlly on edge
Nat- I thought she was staying at Kendall's but they might go to dinner to start I'll give her a call
It goes straight to voicemail.
Nat- straight to voicemail shes always on that phone how strange. Where was her last location. What if she's been taken by hydra. Tony please check I'm stressing.
Tony- Nat calm down teenagers are always on their phones but never answer but I'll check the location
Tony- hmmm that's weirds isn't Kendall's house in Manhattan she was last seen near the outskirts of Brooklyn she never goes there.
Nat- let's go there and see what's there because what if she's taken this isn't good.
Nat starts to hyperventilate

They get down to the bridge and see a bus station. Nat walks over and talks to the guy at the desk
Nat- HEY YOU! have you seen a teenage girl (description of yourself) come and buy a ticket or walk past with friends recently.
Random guy- yeh about 4 kids came and brought tickets to Florida earlier maybe about 3 hours ago?
Nat- shit she's never done anything like this
Nat tries calling you again.

Your pov-
You turn on your phone to check the time and see 22 missed calls from Nat.
You- Jamie oh shit
Jamie- oh god your in trouble

Nat phones you again.
You- oh hey mom
Nat- don't hey mom me young lady where are you
You- I'm with Kendall Jamie and Kyle
Nat- where....
You- on a bus
Nat- going to.....
You- to Long Island
Nat- no your not your coming home
You- that's not your decision Natasha
Nat- I'm coming to get you
You- fine try and find me
You hang up

Jamie- you ok doll
You- I'm so gonna be killed but let's just enjoy the trip

You get to Florida and there are two rooms available so Kendall hints to you that you and Jamie could share a room.
You and Jamie get into your room it's beautiful there is a balcony that you can see most of the park. (I've never been to Disneyland Florida I have no clue what it looks like) You walk out onto the balcony and it's sunset and he wraps his arms around your waist and it's so peaceful until Tony Stark appears in front of you dressed as Iron Man
Tony- hey kiddo think you might wanna pack your things again. Wait who are you? (Looking at Jamie)
Jamie- I'm Jamie sir
You- I'm not leaving I've just got here it's not like anyone pays attention to me anyway so why does it matter
Tony- Jamie do you mind going down to the lobby and finding your other friends whilst I talk to y/n
Jamie is intimidated so quickly rushes out the room only to see Nat standing outside the door giving him her deadly assassin stare.
Jamie- uhhh sorry mam
Nat walks in and starts shouting at you
You- really Nat kids would kill to be in my position. Me and ex hydra experiment no biological family left and now a adoptive mother that neglects me. Money isn't everything
Nat- I do love you y/n I've been busy with work you have to understand that
You- well I don't
Nat- I think you owe me an apology
You sarcastically say - sorry
Nat- you know what just stay here with your little boyfriend or whatever and don't bother coming home
You start tearing up
Tony- a little harsh Nat
Nat storms out the room and you start to cry so hard you can't breathe so Tony comes out of his suit and cradles you. He sees your broken by Nat's harsh words so he follows after her
Tony- Nat what the fuck was that for she's just a kid
Nat is crying as she's realised what she said was way harsh and she turns around and Tony is shocked to see her so upset.
Nat- I can't take it back
Tony- you can if you don't walk out. Come back and give her some motherly love
Nat walks into the room and sees you crying she sits down beside you and whispers ' I'm so sorry y/n. I know you hate me right now but please come home. This will never happen again'
She wipes the tears from your eyes and you lean in and say ' ok but can you get my friends home'

It's always been better since yours and Nats argument and she checks in more to make sure your ok

A/N- I kinda hate this but it was an idea ig

Let me know if there's any ideas you want me to write about

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