Miss independent- N.R

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- Scarlett one shots are coming but I just thought of this. It's cute it's short it's fluffish enjoy....

Nats pov:

About a week ago the team was on a mission and y/n was shot in the knee. Bruce fixed her all up and the knee cap didn't shatter as it missed by a mm and went through muscle etc.

Bruce and Dr Cho said bed rest would be best until the cast comes off. There was fracture to the tibia so they put it in a cast to secure it. She wasn't happy about this as she's miss independent. At first it was amusing watching her try to be independent because I thought she was doing it out of protest but now I've gone into overprotective mode.

I'm walking back from a meeting that I didn't let y/n go to because she refused to go in a wheelchair. The pouty face was cute I can't lie but she needs to rest I miss my girl in training.

I open the door and see y/n hopping around the room cleaning up. She starts to wobble and I rush over and catch her.

Nat: " woah slow down baby"
You: " if I slowed down how would you get to catch me in this romantic position?"
Nat: " smooth but no. You need to rest. I'll clean up. You put your pretty ass on the bed and let me do it"
You: " Nat, I do have to get back up and doing stuff at some point?"
Nat: " you can do that when the cast is off like Bruce said... that's when physio starts"
You: " no fun"

I carry her over to the bed and lie her down. She pulls me in for a kiss.

You: " knight in shining armour"
Nat: " my damsel in distress"
You: " once you're cleaned up can we go outside?"
Nat: " wheelchair only"
You: " ok fine"

I wizz round and clean up and get the wheelchair and she gets in and I take her outside. I lay a picnic blanket out with cushions and bean bags for us so she can lie down and relax.

You: " natty..."
Nat: " yes..."
You: " I love you so much"

She wiggles over and lies in my lap. I stroke the hair out of her face and plant kisses everywhere.

Nat: "I love you more"

- 2 hours later-

Your pov:

The team has been called for a mission so I'm home alone. Nat said stay in the room or use the crutches if necessary. I want to make the team dinner when they come back. I can do that. I'm known for my independence I can do this. I'll cook the Gigi hadid pasta because everyone likes that.

As I'm frying the onions some of the oil flicks onto me and it burns so much. I'm wobbling around trying to cling on to anything I can find. I end up on the floor, really struggling to get up but the onions are burning. The fire alarms start going off from the smoke and then Tony's built in fire extinguishers put out the fire on the stove.

Dr Cho comes rushing in to see me on the kitchen floor covered in food.

Dr cho: " y/n what happened are you ok?"

I was not ok my knee was hurting a-lot.

You: " yeh I'm fine I need to clean this up."
Dr cho: " let me do it"

By her she meant all her staff from the lab. She helps me up and I yelp in pain. I immediately am rushed to the med bay and get another x ray to show that the bullet shrapnel has made my fracture slightly worse and my movement triggered it to move.

Dr cho: " we didn't see this before. I'm going to have to cut it out"

- an hour or 5 later-

I wake up and see my knee freshly bandaged and machines beeping. I look around and Nat is standing there with a hard to read look on her face.

Nat: " my love why did you leave the room?"
You: " I wanted to be nice and make dinner. I think that was a bad idea"
Nat: " the thought is adorable but baby you had me worried sick. Please just listen to me I'm not trying to sound like a mom I just want you to be better again."
You: " I'm resigning as miss independent please look after me Natty I am incompetent on my own"
Nat: " anytime baby"

She comes and lies next to me and gives a kiss on the forehead.

Nat: " sleep tight"

A/n: shit but cute

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