Pregnant- NR

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backstory- you are Natashas girlfriend and you find out ur pregnant

Your pov-
"I can't look Wanda. I'm too scared what if Nat is t ready for kids?"
Wanda- " y/n, it's Nat she will love you and support you no matter what"
You- "I know I'm just so nervous"

I looked over at the stick on the counter and I see the positive line. My breaths got heavier and heavier as Wanda rushed over to see the test
You- " Wanda I'm scared"

Nats pov-
I rush upstairs because I heard Wandas scream coming from mine and y/n's room. I open the door with a gun in my hands.
Nat- " what's wrong?"
Y/n- "Nat I... I need to tell you something"
I could see the tears in my girlfriends eyes
Nat- "princess what's wrong are you hurt?"
Y/n- "Nat I'm pregnant"
I teared up and rushed towards her and brought her in and kissed her forehead
Nat- " I knew you would make me the happiest girl on the planet"
Y/n just snuggled in underneath my neck. I saw Wanda smirking from behind y/n.
Wanda- " I'll leave the mommy's alone now"

- time skip to 8 months later-
Your pov-
The last 8 months have been good I've had no missions and have just been lounging around the compound. I would've been able to do more but my protective girlfriend stayed by my side. She won't let me leave her sight. She waits outside the toilet door. I realise it's because her whole life she thought she would never have kids and now one is one the way.

I am sitting on the sofa flicking through a magazine when I just start crying.
Nat- "baby what's wrong?"
You- " I just feel so fat and ugly"
Nat- " darling you are glowing what are you talking about. Don't say that again because you are beautiful"
I just nodded at her and smiled until my smile turned into a weird constipated look.
You- " owwww OWWWWWW FUCK"
The sofa suddenly became very wet. My water has broke. THE BABY WAS COMING.
Nat- " shit shit ok let me get wanda and she can help get all our stuff omg this is happening right now"
You- " I'm so scared Nat I ca.... OWWWWWW"
Nat- " ok we need to go now"

- at the hospital-

Midwife- " she is 10cm dilated already so she needs to start pushing"
You- " Nat I cant do this.... I'm I'm so tired"
Nat- " 5 more minutes of pain for a lifetime of happiness"
Nat leans down and squeezes your hand.
Nat- " pain only makes us stronger"
You give it your all and out comes a slimy gorgeous baby girl who lets out an ear shattering scream.
Midwife- " y/n y/l/n you have a healthy baby girl"

She handed the baby to me and I knew then, with Nat stroking her forehead and my baby in my arms , I would be a happy girl until my dying day. I had finally found my family.

A/N- I'm back with a new story. I felt rlly uninspired for so long and was focusing on my TikTok pov but I'm here now so enjoy. Any feedback appreciated xx hope ur all okay ily

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