I tell myself.... - N.R

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Backstory: reader is 17, mother works at SHIELD and y/n tends to be there a lot to train, study etc. Nat knows who y/n is but has never really spoken to her until.....

Your pov:

Mum had had a lot to drink this evening, we were at one of Tony Starks parties. I hated going because I just got bored and I know I shouldn't because I'm 17, but she just puts on this act and I can't stand it.

You: " I'm going into the city with my friend Jamie on Tuesday if that's alright"

She gives me the look. It's just the two of us sitting at one of those high tables.

You: "what?"
Mum: " so when is studying going on then.... A party tomorrow, seeing your auntie the day after, work, one free day then on Tuesday into the city and then weds another party. When does studying happen y/n"

You: " I have another 2 weeks until I go back mum"
Mum: " you have left all your work until now. None of your friends are taking it seriously, this is the most important year for you. It's going to be so busy and you have left it all to the last minute. All you care about is what they are doing on social media it's just SAD.... Because you're a SADDO. Seriously y/n when are you going to realise it.

When you come crying to me at Christmas that your stressed or your mental health is shit I will have no sympathy for you because I'm seriously done. I can't... I just can't with you."

I look to my stepdad and sister for some help, she was taking it too far. Bearing in mind only a month ago she found my suicide note.....

Mum: " nothing is done, personal statement, revision nothing. You don't know hard work, you don't know determination. You are just lazy and all you care about is what you're friends are doing. SERIOUSLY GET A LIFE. You aren't living. I did not raise you to be like this. I just know you will never change to be good enough, this happened last year and the year before, it's a never ending battle with you."

People were starting to look and I could feel myself panicking. Tears prickling in my eyes, not sad ones, angry ones.

You: " y/s/n can we go to the toilet"
Mum: " oh so you can go slag me off then"
You: " NO so we can go to the toilet...."

I walk off with my sister following behind, she only says " bad timing to go to the toilet, I knew she would say that.... Well done miss rebel."

I start crying and she just rolls her eyes.

You: " thanks for the support..."

She walks off and i waft my eyes to try and get them to not be so red.

- time skip-

We are waiting outside for our cab.

She's still drunk and she is now acting like none of it happened. No one had my back and it's hurts.

Mum: " ooo look at that face she might kill me tonight"

She starts laughing and I have had enough.

You: " I'll meet u at home I left my phone upstairs"
Stepdad: " ok"

I go inside and find the bathroom and look in the mirror and burst into tears. I just can't go through anymore of the criticism from her, I need to see my friends because they actually make me happy and want to do well otherwise I just sit in my room and think too much.

As I'm drying up my eyes and taking some deep breaths no other than Natasha Romanoff walks in.

Nats pov:

I saw y/n's mum and hers argument. Her mum was drunk so I knew she didn't mean it but I know words like stick and hurt a lot. I watch from the window and see all the family but y/n get into a cab.

I head down to one of the bathrooms and see y/n sniffling and sorting herself out in the mirror.

Nat: " hey"
You: " oh hi, sorry I'll be going I just needed to grab my phone"
Nat: " it's ok, I saw what happened. Are you ok?"
You: " i tell myself I don't care that much...."

You: " but her words stick and they hurt alot, I feel like i can never do enough to please her. My sister seems to breeze through life so far, she's only 13 but she sure is doing alot better than I am"

Nat: " I know we haven't spoken alot, but I was wondering if you wanted to stay at my apartment for the night to cool off. I don't know if going home is the best idea, you're a little tipsy, and don't lie I can smell it on you and if she's drunk it will only be worse."

You: " if that's ok Natasha, im sorry this must have ruined your night"
Nat: " call me Nat, y/n it's ok it hasn't ruined anything. I'm here for you ok. Auntie Nat is always a fun label"

- time skip-

Y/n and I are sitting on the couch as I gave her a couple slices of toast to soak up the booze. She seems to be holding up fine for now but I know the waterworks are coming.

Nat: " get it off your chest so you can sleep tonight"
You: " it's just, my stepdad and sister heard what she was saying but yet they didn't say a word. My stepdad and mum found an old suicide note I wrote last October last month, and considering he knows that he let her say all those things. I just feel like I'm on my own"

Nat: " I'm here now ok."

She snuggles into me and cries a little more until she falls asleep.

I carry her to my room and tuck her in, ready for a night on the sofa.

You: " can you stay Nat"
Nat: yes of course.

I stroke her hair and she falls asleep again quickly. I know how hard it is when a parent just won't shut up until u snap. (Alexi cough cough) They just don't think about the bigger picture, y/n isnt going to have a lot of time next year to see friends outside of school so it makes sense that she wants to see them now. I know she has a couple tests when she goes back but I know she has time, she's a teenager she needs to live a little.

I wonder if she would like to use my apartment as a study space, I have the empty room she could use as a study place or bedroom.

I just don't want to see her crumble or hide because she is a star she just doesn't know it yet. She serves the world and more.

A/n- I know this is so shit but I've had an awful evening and this is a vent post. 

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