Where did you go? - NR

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Mama!nat figure

Present day= everyone coming back after 5 years

Backstory- Nat didn't die in endgame so she's alive. vision died in Infinity War and when Wanda was blipped back she never came back to find you. Wanda is your mum and Nat took you in when she got blipped because you didn't. You were left with no one.

2 days after the blip-

Nats pov-
Y/n hasn't moved from the field in Wakanda. I had stayed with her. She hadn't spoken. Just tears trickling down her face. It was heartbreaking to look at.
Nat- " y/n.... Come on. We have to go inside. Get some food."

I got no response. I lift her up and she tries to wriggle out.
Nat- " y/n come on we can't stay here forever"
She tries to hit me as I carry her bridal style into the main building. She's bawling her eyes out. Tears were forming in my eyes.
Nat- " I'm not going to leave you. We will find a way to get her back but we have to go home"

I carry her to the quinjet and she falls asleep as we start to fly home. I was going to need to help raise her now. She's 11 she can't do this alone.

Present day-
Nat- " y/n baby come here. Today is the day. Everyone is going to be coming back. "
You- " wait really. Mum is going to be here"

She was now 16 and beautiful. I had been homeschooling her and teaching her ballet as we stayed at the compound. Recently Bruce and Tony had figured out how to get everyone back. Everyone who was left came back together and it had really lifted mine and y/n's spirits.

(I couldn't be bothered about writing about the final battle but you guys know how it goes)

Your pov-
As everyone came through the portals I saw mum and she flew towards Thanos. She started screaming at him whilst she tore him to shreads.

Wanda- " you took everything from me."
Thanos- " I don't even know who you are"
Wanda- " you will"

Just like that she kills him on the spot and Tony picks up the gauntlet and snaps. Uncle Tony was there slowly dying. I couldn't lose another person.

You- " uncle Tony please. Please don't leave. I need you"
Tony- " y/n it's ok. Your mama is back and your going to be ok."

We embrace in a hug whilst Natasha slowly pulls me off his dying corpse. Tears slowly falling down my face as we kneel.

Tony's funeral-

I walk over to mum and hug her. She holds me tight.

You- " I missed you mama"
Wanda- " I missed you more. I have to go and do something but I'll be back soon"

I watch her get in a car and drive away. It was so quick and she was already gone.

Nats pov-
Wanda had got up and left part way through the funeral and I saw y/n's heart break that little bit more. She was so young but so damaged. I put my arm around her to let her know that I'm still here.

2 weeks later-
I was told news that Wanda had created the hex and that means she left y/n. Y/n thought she was coming back to get her but it didn't look like Wanda was. She  had vision back and 2 boys.

Y/n was getting low again and there was nothing I could do about it. Even after endgame, it was just me and y/n at the compound. So late in the evening I walk into her room and see she's just watching a film.

Nat- " you alright kiddo. Wanna go get ice cream"
You- " why did she leave? She's not coming back is she"
Nat- " y/n. Your mum is going through a stage of grief called denial. You went through it remember when you stayed up in Wakanda. She lost your dad and needs time to heal. She's going to be back soon ok."
You- " why am I not good enough for her. I lost everything 5 years ago. I'm not even worth her coming back."

Tears were streaming down her face again. I climb on the bed and pull her in tight and stroke her hair.

Nat- " I wish I could give you the answers. I really would. I love you my little bug"
You- " I love you too mama.... Sorry Nat"
Nat- " y/n call me what you want. I'm here and I'm not leaving"

She snuggles in and sleeps. I text fury and say y/n knows. Wanda needs to know that she left her behind. Maybe the whole charade will end. I'll be sad to lose y/n but I'm never going to be y/n's true mum and she needs Wanda.

Fury's pov-
Romanoff sent me a message saying y/n knows. We are now hoping that this is a reason for Wanda to end the hex and come back for y/n. I text Natasha to bring y/n to the base so we can get communication through.

The next day-

Fury- " so y/n we need you to sit here because we have a drone that's flown in and just speak to your mum ok"
You- " ok."

She takes a deep breath and begins to speak.

You- " mum it's me it's y/n. Please come back home. I need you. I miss you and please don't leave me again. I can't do it anymore."
Wanda- " y/n you need to move on. I'm happy. Natasha will take care of you."

The camera cuts off and y/n sits there numb. This could've been a mistake. Natasha stands there shocked and y/n starts to not be able to breathe. She's sitting on the chair hyperventilating, her knees up to her chest, crying.
Nat- " come on y/n/n let's go home"
You- " she.... She doesn't want me.... Take me home mama please"

Natasha picks y/n up and take her to the pick-up truck and rolls down the window.

Fury- " I'm sorry Natasha I really didn't think it would go this way"
Nat- " Nick don't blame yourself. This should've worked. I'll take care of her. I'm at the compound if you need me"

A/n- there will be a part 2. I feel like this doesn't make sense but yeh :)

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