I quit- NR

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- I'm so sorry for the lack of uploads. I got unmotivated with writing but I was watching Gilmore girls and had an idea. So enjoy.

Tw- shouting swearing idk? Drinking?

Natasha x daughter reader - you are 16ish

Your pov-

Fury- " y/n do you want me to be honest with you"
You- " just spit it out fury"
Fury- " I just don't think you are the right fit for the field agent side of shield. I think your more suited as an assistant kind of role."

My heart dropped, time stopped I couldn't believe what he was saying. The daughter of the black widow..... not suited for SHIELD field agent programme. What was I supposed to do with the rest of my life now, this is everything I had been aspiring too, the rest of my life planned out. The end goal was avenger but SHIELD was my first stepping goal as it was a programme to build people up.

Fury- " y/n are you ok?"
You- " yep. I'm fine sir. It's just I've always been top of my class physically, I've excelled the practical tests, I put in all the work."
Fury- " I know that your more than capable physically y/n. It's just you don't have to right characteristics for that particular programme. We only let 5 recruits join it and we just don't think you and the programme will work out. I think our coaching programme for younger recruits will be perfect for you."
You- " thank you sir... I'm just going to head home"
Fury- " y/n. I don't mean any harm, I'm doing what's best for you"
You- " I know"

I walk out, slowly closing the door behind me. I walk through the building with my head down low and hood up. I get on my motorcycle and head towards NYC to see MJ. I knock on her door.

You- "drinking sesh?"
MJ- " I thought you'd never ask"

She grabs a bottle of Bacardi. ( after recent experiences of drinking this straight in a park.... I would not recommend if you like living :) )

We are drinking away in the park near hers, giggling about everything.
MJ- " y/n I gotta head back home soon, your welcome to stay...."
You- " I'll get home don't worry about me"
MJ- " ok love u, text me when ur home"

I get on my motorbike and start heading home. I see the flashing lights behind me so I pull over.

Police- " ma'am can I see some id"

I whip out my id and he checks it over. Everyone knows who I am, black widows child yanno. Comes with status.

Police- " can you please get off the bike and walk along the line please"

Shit, shit. I shouldn't be here right now.

I stumble along the line, I'm then briefly escorted into the back of car and taken to custody.

Police- " ok 1 phone call."

I ring mom.

Nat- " y/n everything ok?"
You- " I need you to come get me"
Nat-" where are you. No one has heard from you all day."
You- " I'm....im in jail mom"
Nat-" I'm on my way"

She comes and bails me out. Not a word was said the whole way home until we pull up on the drive.

Nat- " underage drinking and driving are you kidding y/n. That is not what ROMANOFFS DO!"

I storm off inside and slam the door to my room, quickly locking it and hear her just walk into her room and slam it.

I don't want to go to SHIELD jr academy anymore. I really don't. I hear Tony knocking on my door.

Tony - " hey kid, you wanna let me in I brought u some water."

I open the door, he puts the water on the side and brings me in for a hug and I burst into tears.

Tony- " it's ok. What happened tonight kid, it's so unlike you"
You- " I don't know who I am anymore.... I don't want to do the shield programme... I don't want to be an avenger."

Tony continues to hug me and strokes my hair whilst I calm down.

- the next day-

Nats pov-

I'm taking y/n out to our favourite spot for brunch to try and understand what the actual fuck happened last night.  We sit down and she barely makes eye-contact.

Nat- " so have you almost finished packing again for shield"
You- " well about that.... I'm dropping out"
Nat- " what"
You- " I'm not going back"
Nat- " but why"
You- " I'm just not sure that it's right for me anymore and I'm not entirely sure what I wanna do with my life"
Nat- " since when do you not know, you have always wanted to be a field agent then join the avengers"
You- "maybe not"
Nat- " is this about last night?"
You- "no it's not"
Nat- " I know last night I said that's not what Romanoffs do but if you want to be an avenger your still very capable ask Fury yourself, one minor slip up won't stop you"
You- " well mom... Fury would disagree... and Fury is the best SHIELD advisor you can get. So if he says I'm not right for the programme. I'm not right for the programme. I don't want to do anything else for SHIELD, so I've decided I just need some time to weigh up my options"
Nat- " I'm sure you just heard him wrong... how can you not be right..... your my daughter"
You- " well I'm not good enough for that status anymore"
Nat- " if you quit now. You'll never start again, you will never achieve what we've been working toward y/n your entire life. You can't throw it all away like this. Try again next year for god sake, have some will about you"

Tears forming in her eyes, she slams the fork down on the table and storms off down the street. I watch her walk down the street and phone Fury.

Fury- " woah Natasha calm down."
Nat- " my daughter spent half the night in jail because she started spiralling after what you said. Everything she's ever worked for is for this moment and you tore it up in front of her"
Fury- " she's not strong enough for this lifestyle Nat, you and I both know that. With what happened last year, she's spiralling and going down a dangerous path again. I'm not saying it's never going to happen. She's by far capable but her mind needs some help Nat. She needs help. The pressure she puts herself under, the stress, her coping mechanisms. I don't want to see it all come crashing down infront of me when I know I could've done something to prevent it"
Nat- " ok ok. I agree with you. I just know if she stops now she'll never get started again."
Fury- " all she needs is some help from a professional for a while and she'll be ready. When she got taken by the red room she's refused to ever talk."
Nat- " ok I'm on it thank you fury"

About 2 hours later....

I find my daughter sitting in her favourite spot in the compound.
Nat- " y/n baby please let's talk. I'm not mad. I understand what your saying. I spoke to Fury... this isn't his forever final decision... it's just until you get your head straight you know. So much happened to you last year and you never said a word about it. We all just want you to get the support you need and then you can get back on track like you want"

You- " I'm just so tired mama. All this work.. all the blood... sweat and tears. It felt like it all went I didn't know what to do. I wanted to turn what happened there into something good like being an avenger. I didn't want all of that trauma to be for nothing"

She cuddles into me sobbing her eyes out.

Nat- " it's ok baby. I am here. We can sort all this out"

I trace patterns over her head and she smiles at me, the smile I haven't seen since before she got taken.

A/n- I know it's hella long. If you want a pt2 lmk. Hope ur all okay <3

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