Getaway car- NR

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- teen reader

Tw- sh

Nats pov-
I've been on the run for a while. Since the whole airport stuff it's been tough keeping myself of SHIELDs radar. Mason just sent me details of my location which I'm going to be staying in. I'm getting low, the only family I've got just lowkey got a divorce and I felt like the helpless child in the middle. The closest thing I'll get to a childhood experience i guess, that's fucked up but I'm losing my mind. I don't like being on my own, I say love is for children but I need to create this suit of armour around myself. Clint knows I'm a softie as well as Wanda but I chose the opposite side originally so I'm sure I've lost the two people I'm closest too. Tony really hurt me by saying "it must be hard to shake the whole double agent thing", he took my darkest thing and used it against me. I had respect for Tony, whatever there was before is gone now, I was trying to keep everyone together. There is a clear grey area in all of this and it backfired and I feel like I've lost everyone. I'm alone, it's like it was about 12 years ago when I left the red room.

I'm driving to this remote location after getting off the ferry. It's cold in Norway I miss America it's warmer there. And it's summer. I pull up in the woods and the trailer is there. It's run down but no one would know it's here. Mason said everything I need to know and how it works so I'll be fine. A couple trips into town occasionally won't hurt. I brought hair dye, thinking of going blonde. The red thing isn't working for me anymore, I don't have a good track record with anything associated with red. I wish I could erase my past but there's a point of acceptance.

I have my gun in my hand in case there's an enemy in the trailer. I walk round until I hear some soft snores from the bedroom. I take a deep breath and try to stay calm, I just want to be left alone, my hearts aching and I need some time to heal my wounds. My mental wounds, I'm fine from the fight apart from a couple bruises. I slowly creak open the door and I see a teenage girl napping on the bed.

?(you)- "what the fuck dude?"
Nat- " why are you in my trailer?"
?(you)- "fine I'll get out, no need for the gun"

It's pretty bad form to stand over a teenager with a gun pointing at them. I put the gun down.

Nat- " no no. Stay. You got here first. And truth be told it's not my trailer it's my temporary accommodation"
?(you)- " funny that, it's mine too, but I found it and it sounds like yours was pre planned"
Nat- " some could say it was short notice. How old are you kid?"
?(you)- stranger danger lady. Stranger danger.
Nat- " you're right. I'm Natasha Romanoff...."
?(you)- "black... widow.... The mf black widow is in the room."
Nat- " ok but you cannot tell anyone I'm here. I'm on the run."
?(you)- " same goes. So it's a two way situation. I don't tell anyone I saw you and you don't tell anyone you saw me"
Nat- " kid, I don't know your name. You have the high ground here"
?(you)- " ah yes, my names y/n and I'm 16. And I'm on the run too."
Nat- " nice to meet you y/n. Are you in danger? A 16 year old usually isn't on the run, or in Norway by themselves in an abandoned trailer."
Y/n- " no I'm not in danger. It's just my parents found out I was gay, all the fucked up shit that goes on up here"

She points to her head.

Y/n- " and they weren't on board with the whole wlw stuff and blamed the head stuff on the whole gay thing and they wanted to send me away so I ran away and now I'm here."
Nat- " shit. But to reassure you I'm fully supportive of you and I'm not a homophobe."
Y/n- " good to know."

Although she's been so chilled her face after telling me everything dropped and she looks as if she's about to cry.

Y/n- " I'm sorry. God I just dumped all that on you, you have your own issues. It's your trailer I'll be on my way."
Nat- " y/n. It's fine. It's ok. Don't leave. It's not safe out there. We can talk, and whenever you want to leave or go home I'll take you there. But going alone is a stupid idea."

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