I can't be number 1- NR

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Mama Nat x daughter reader x OC sister.....

Sisters name: Ivy
Reader- 16
(You and Ivy are twins)

Tw: eating disorder, bulimia

(But I'm nice and Nat is gonna be a great mum so don't worry guys 🫶🫶)

Nats pov:
Bucky is the biological father of my two girls, test tube babies you could say. However I fell deeply in love with Wanda about 6 years ago when the girls were 10 and we have been a family since. The girls see Bucky when they can but Ivy and him are definitely closer, y/n is a lot more guarded with him but that's because when she was younger she saw things she shouldn't have seen.

Since then we moved out of Stark Towers and into the compound, however we have like our own family part with our own kitchen etc.

Ivy is very naturally gifted at everything she tries, I don't know where she got it from, maybe Bucky, but she's very confident. Y/n is a bit more reserved but after a lot of hard work she is the same as Ivy. I never compare them because they are so different, it would be impossible and cruel to compare them.

Ivy: " mom, is it alright if y/n and I go and train"
Nat: " yes of course my love, you don't need to ask"
Ivy: " but can you watch and give pointers"
Nat: " yes let's go pumpkin"

I'm sitting on the benches in the training room whilst the girls warm up. Y/n has been really quiet the last couple months, I've asked Ivy about it and she didn't know.

Nat: " ok girls show me what you have got"

Ivy throws the first swing and y/n dodges it and swipes her legs. I see fire light up in Ivy's eyes. Ivy then gets up and completely thrashed y/n in the fight.

Nat: " alright Ivy that's enough.... (She doesn't hear me) THATS ENOUGH YOUR GOING TO HURT HER"
You: " I'm fine mama, I'm just going to grab a snack and run to the toilet and we can go again"

She runs out the room whilst Ivy takes some sips of her water.

Nat: " go easy on your sister. Control yourself"
Ivy: " she won't get better if I let her win though"
Nat: " just don't hurt her too bad ok"
Ivy: " ok I'm sorry"

One thing I love about Ivy is how she can quickly switch to sensible and caring once you remind her that it's just training.

Y/n walks back in the room and sits down on the mat taking sips from her bottle and wiping her forehead.

Bucky: " where's my superstar!!!"

Ivy goes running towards him and jumps up into his arms. I look over at y/n who looks down at the floor.

Bucky: " what are you doing in here?"
Nat: " the girls are sparring, I'm watching"
Bucky: " I'll join you then. Let's see you girls go for it"

They go at it again and Ivy beats y/n. Y/n gives it a good go, 100% like she always does. I'll always be proud of her, she went through a lot at a young age. Things she saw that Ivy didn't.

Y/n sits down and takes a few breaths and I call time. Ivy comes jogging over and Bucky gives her a high five.

Bucky: " number one baby, so proud"

Y/n gets up, throwing her waterbottle which shatters against the wall and storms out of the training room slamming the door.

Ivy: " Jesus"
Nat: " not now Ivy, I'll go check on her"

Your pov:

Why can't I be number 1. Why can't I be like Ivy. She's so effortlessly good with everything. She has an amazing figure, she eats the same as me, trains the same. However, how come I make myself throw up after every meal to try and be perfect. My mindset is, if I look, act and be as confident as Ivy maybe dad will love me as much.

Nat: " honey what's going on"
You: " can we go out. I can't stay at home anymore today"
Nat: " yes I'll grab the car keys and we can go for a drive."

Nats pov:
We get into the car and she turns the music up, she's playing mirrorball by Taylor swift. This can't be good.

Nat: " do you want to talk about what happened in there"

Tears are rolling down her face.

Nat: " ok I'm pulling over on the side of the road."

It's a country Lane so there's grass for us to sit on.

I lift her out of the car whilst she sobs into my shoulder.

You: " I can't.... I can't be number 1. No matter how hard I try mama. I'll never be her. He will never love me the same"
Nat: " oh baby"

I knew that this hurt her. I always told Bucky how it looked but he said I was over reacting.

I sit down in the grass and y/n is in my lap crying and I'm stroking her back.

You: " I saw everything he did. Everything. And he knows. But he still loves her more. After everything he did"

- basically, Y/n when she was 9 saw Bucky almost kill Tony when he was under mind control and Bucky tried to attack y/n but Wanda saved her.-

Nat: " baby, he doesn't love her more. I think sometimes he feels too guilty and scared because he almost hurt you. It's not an excuse I know, I've told him so many times. I wish I could change him but I can't. I'm sorry"
You: " don't apologise mama, it's not your fault."
Nat: " is there anything else thats going on Moyà Lyubov. (My love)
You: " I've been struggling with my eating again. But I think it's worse than last time. I just thought if I looked like Ivy maybe I could be loved like her"
Nat: "oh detka, you are perfect the way you are. I love you the way you are. But we are going to get you some help ok. This isn't going to be ignored ok"
You: " ok mama, thank you. Also, I know this might sound harsh but I just can't see dad at the moment. It's too much"
Nat: " it's ok, I'll talk to him."
You: " when's mo.... Sorry wanda coming home"
Nat: "she should be home now. You can call her mom if you want to baby"

- time skip-

After speaking with Bucky, he felt so guilty but understood that y/n needed space to get herself sorted out mentally. After speaking with Ivy, I found out that she saw y/n throwing up once but thought it's cos she had a sick bug. She felt really bad but I assured her it's not her fault.

As I'm washing up the pots and pans from dinner, Wanda walks through the door and I sigh a breath of relief.

Wanda: " somebody missed me"
Nat: " more than you know"

I gave her a kiss on the head as she is shorter than me.

Nat: " y/n almost called you mom today"

Her face lit up.

Nat: " but, y/n has relapsed bad with the bulimia again, I only found out this afternoon but I'll tell you later. I think she's sleeping in her room"

Wandas pov:

I walk into y/n's room and see Ivy stroking y/n's hair as y/n is fast asleep.

Wanda: " you alright bubs"
Ivy: " yeh just worried about y/n"
Wanda: " she'll be ok. Would you like to go spend some time with mama and I can stay here?"
Ivy: " can the 4 of us cuddle up tonight?"
Wanda: " of course"

3rd person pov:

That night, Wanda, Nat, Ivy watched movies whilst y/n slept cuddled up on Natasha. Wanda had cuddled up to Ivy and they had the most comforting evening.

Nat: " I love you girls"
Ivy: " love you more"
Nat: " now I don't think that's possible"

A/n: requests... running out of ideas

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