Where did you go? Pt2- NR

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- read part one for context-

Nats pov-

It was a couple days later. Y/n hadn't left her room and refused to get out of bed or talk to anyone. I had Clint and Laura come round as well as Bucky and Sam. She was spiralling and this time I didn't know what to do, to comfort her.

I knock on her door.
Nat- " y/n sweetie I'm coming in"

The door is actually unlocked today but when I open it there are clothes everywhere the mirror is broken on the floor. The plates of food I made her were still full. I start picking up the clothes off the floor and putting them in the dirty laundry basket. I put the jumper Wanda gave her on the chair, I didn't want to risk upsetting her more. I grab a dust pan and brush and begin to get the fragments of the mirror off the floor. It's been about an hour now and the floor is now more clear. I don't want to hoover incase it is too loud so I just use the brush to give the floor a quick clean.

I'm going to open the blinds. She needs some sunlight and fresh air. I slowly open her curtains and slightly open the windows. The compound is in the middle of no where because it's dangerous being too close to people so there's little noise. I go sit beside her on the bed and she just keeps staring at the wall.

Nat- " y/n I wish I knew what to say. I'm not going to defend your mum but this isn't personal. She's not doing this to hurt you. I am here. I'm not leaving."

She turns around so she's cuddled into my side.

You- " will you adopt me"

I was honestly taken aback by this. Of course I wanted to be her mum, she deserved better than to be left by Wanda. I was mad, I wanted to kick Wanda's  ass but y/n would never forgive me, so I haven't.

Nat- "y/n I would adopt you in a heartbeat. But are you sure you want to do this.... For the right reasons"
You- " she hasn't been here for the last 5 years. I didn't need her then and I don't need her now."
Nat- " well let's go find Fury and sort this out"

Time skip- adoption papers have been signed.

You- " so mum"

She jokingly nudges my shoulder. I put my arm around her and plant a kiss on the top of her head.

Nat- " my phone is buzzing let me see who it is"

I look down and gulp. Monica is calling me. She's been working with SHIELD to take down the hex.

Nat- " go get in the car. I'll be there in a second."

Nat- " Monica what's up."
Monica- " Wanda. She's started a new family. Without y/n"
Nat- " shit. Why is she doing this. Y/n is broken."
Monica- " I don't know but it's up to you if you tell y/n. My advice is I wouldn't but you know her better."
Nat- " ok thank you."

I'm glad y/n wanted me to adopt her. Wanda is an awful mother. Who abandons their daughter. I look up from my phone and turn around to see y/n crying.

You- " she really doesn't want me."

She just stands there crying and I walk towards her.

You- " what have I done wrong. I never went out I never lied I never missed training"
Nat- " you didn't do anything wrong. I am here. I'm going to make sure you live the life you deserve. I know I'm not your biological mum but I care about you so much."

We get into the care and drive to the compound. As we get closer the door is open. I locked it before we left.
You- " did you forget to lock the door"
Nat- " no. Stay behind me"

I pull out my pistol from the side of my door and get out the car. My hand making sure y/n is behind me.

As we walk in the lights turn on and Wanda is sitting on the sofa.

Wanda- " so Natasha. You've adopted my daughter. Why did you think you could do that"
Nat- " because she asked me too. You left her Wanda, to start a new family."
Wanda- " well y/n your coming with me."
You- " no. I'm not going to be a part of your new world. I love you and it breaks my heart. But your not the mum who was here 5 years ago"
Wanda- " she's manipulated you y/n. Come on let's go"
Nat- " Wanda you should leave. In a matter of minutes Fury and SHIELD will be here."
You- " mum"
Nat & Wanda-" yes"
You- " Sorry Nat right now ur mama and she's mum. But mum I need you to go without me. I want you in my life but not like this."
Wanda- " y/n. Let's go"

Her eyes start glowing red.
Nat- " y/n run"

Y/n starts to run and I hear the cars pull up outside.

Nat- " go now. She'll be ok. I'll be here for her."

Wanda- " just tell her I love her and I'm doing this for us. Just trust my process"

She flies away and Fury walks through with y/n. She comes and hugs me.

You- " just me and you mama."
Nat- " just me and you. She's gone and she told me to tell you she loves you, eventhough you may not like her right now"
You- " can we move out of here, to someplace else"

Fury- " that can be arranged let me know where"

A/n- shit ending but was running out of ideas :/

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