Hair- NR

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backstory- you have anxiety and no one has picked up on it except Natasha. You aren't very close but she's good at reading people.

Your pov-
1.....2....3...4..5.6789 I just need to calm down. Try counting slowly get to thirty and start again. 1...2...3...4..(cries).
You- " FOR gods sake why can't I just focus and calm down."
I have been talking to myself for at least 10 minutes I've been on the verge of some kind of anxiety attack for the last 30 minutes. I know why. I've got a solo mission tomorrow and if I screw up then I put the whole team in danger.
Once I joined the avengers I realised my anxiety was just getting worse it was a lot of responsibility. I literally have the weight of the world on my shoulders. I got trained by the British secret service. Best anyone has seen since Peggy Carter. So Nick Fury contacted me asking to join his team. So I did. I had nothing for me in England anymore. With my fat pay-check I've been putting lots in my savings but using some for therapy. I keep waking up with the sweats, I sweat a lot, my leg bounces, I can't breathe when I'm overwhelmed and I get like hives if it's really bad. They show up on my neck and make me really self conscious. I recently got diagnosed with anxiety. They diagnosis hasn't changed anything for me. I'm just more aware of what I'm living with.

1..2..3..4..5..6..7..8..9..10..11..12. My leg and hands are shaking my forehead is sweating my chest is tightening up. I go splash myself with cold water but nothings working. Oh god here we go again . I crumple up on the bathroom floor, hyperventilating curled up in a ball, shaking, rocking back and forth.

Natashas pov-

I'm walking to my room to take a shower after training when my instinct tells me to go check on
y/n. The girl had anxiety. I could see it. She was so jumpy all the time always on edge. I felt bad but we didn't speak that much so I didn't want to get involved. Our rooms at across the hall. I've heard her crying occasionally but everyone cries I just left her too it.
I open her door
Nat- " y/n? Are you in here?"
No answer.
I hear muffled screams coming from her bathroom. The door slightly open. I open it and see her on the floor, hyperventilating and crying. She's having an anxiety attack.
Nat- " hey hey y/n look at me (she looks up all puffy eyes) I'm here. Don't worry. Try breathe with me. In for 1 out for 3. Let's go again"
I repeated this with her for a while until she calmed down.
Nat- " what happened?"
You- " I don't know....(cries)"
Nat- " hey stop crying now. It's all going to be fine. Let's talk through it"
You- " I'm just so overwhelmed for tomorrow. It's my first solo mission and there's so much pressure. I just don't think I'm ready and what if I screw up. Oh god"
Nat- " first of all. Your not going to screw up. You are so talented y/n. Second. There's not loads of pressure it's a small mission. I was put on standby nearby anyway just in case. You have nothing to worry about"
You- " thanks Nat sorry about this"
Nat- " don't worry about it. Do you wanna hang out"
You- "yeh sure. Nat could you braid my hair like you do yours"
Nat- " of course I can. Where's your hair brush?"
You- "top draw. White cabinet with the cactus on"
Nat- " ok let me help you up off the floor"

Your pov-
She helps you off the floor and you sit on your little stool whilst she brushes through your hair. Her fingers stroking your soft y/h/c hair.
Nat- " how is your hair so soft"
You- " I've never changed it. Never dyed it. So boring know. I've always wanted to change it."
Nat- " hold on let me go get some things"

Nat comes in holding different boxes of hair dye and scissors.
Nat- " you wanna do it?"
You- "omg yes pleaseeeeeee"
Nat- " I'm thinking a chesnut brown. ( just pretend ur hair is like blonde or something idk)"
You- " yesssss omg"
Nat- " ok sit tight let's go. Perfect disguise for tomorrow"

-There will be part 2-

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