Tolerate - NR

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Daughter reader x mum Nat
Age: 17
Backstory: in recent months you and Nat have distanced due to her new girlfriend (Wanda) and your dad is Steve. Wanda used to be your friend and now she's like your step mom. You cannot stand to be in a room with them so you are just going out. Whilst Nat thinks your being completely irresponsible infact you are just trying to cope.
Time era: pre infinity war, post civil war

Tw: sh history talk

(Imagine your relationship used to be like lorelai and Rory. Steve is like Chris (very distant yanno))

Your pov:
I'm in high school (American) and I'm on my last year now. I have no idea what I want to do with my life and the fear of failing is just stressing me out. I have always been told I'm academically really smart and I'm great at sports due to the whole super soldier gene I guess. However, with my name being of celebrity status, I've never stuck around for long enough to get really good at a particular sport. I've being doing ballet my whole life and I guess I'm really good at that, I don't enjoy it, I just do it for mom.

Mom and dad wanted me to go to college and I've managed to get into Yale which is an achievement but I have no idea what classes I want to take. Maybe English, science, sport who knows. I always feel like I'm failing everyone recently.

However that isn't my biggest problem. I can sort that out by making a list. My new problem is my mother. The once shining star in my life is nothing but a black hole sucking all the life out of me. With my dad being flaky so me never having a proper relationship with him, my mom and I were super close. That was until last year. Wanda.

This was when we were living at the compound. Dad, mom, uncle Tony, vision, basically the whole clan. However civil war split that up and we moved out of the compound and into our own flat. It sucked because it's like watching my parents split up (again) but 10x bigger as it was the whole of my family. Wanda came with us and it was really fun to begin with until I realised that her and mom were into each other. They started going out just them two and mom would leave money for me to get a takeaway or whatever. All I felt was neglect. I'd been doing everything she had wanted for so long, was I not good enough for her. She looks at me now like she just tolerates my existence.

I have a history with some bad mental health but as far as everyone is concerned I'm doing "better". Whatever that means. I relapsed after being clean for 2 years last week. I have been trying for so long but it got too much after me and mom had a huge fight about me skipping class. The reason for me skipping class was the fact that the night before mom was supposed to be coming home from a mission and she didn't, so I stayed up, then overslept so I missed my first class. She didn't get that.

Anyway to present day:

Nat: " y/n can you come here please"

I walk towards the kitchen where her and Wanda are cooking dinner. I sit down on the stool at the breakfast bar.

Nat: " hello to you too"
You: " sorry hi."
Nat: " how was school"
You: " it was ok"
Nat: " did you get your biology exam results back?"
You: " yes"
Nat: " come on then tell me and your mom the grade"

I get up and storm out of the room slamming my bedroom door.


She full named me.

I open the door and she almost has steam coming out her ears.

You: " I'm going out"

I grab my car keys and head out.

Nats pov:
Nat: " I'm so sorry baby. She shouldn't have snapped"
Wanda: " it's ok. She might just be having a bad day"
Nat: " she's been having a bad couple months. Her attitude sucks recently"
Wanda: " maybe I'll go stay with Yelena whilst you and y/n talk."
Nat: " no. You're a part of our life. She doesn't dictate our life"
Wanda: " but she's your daughter"
Nat: " an ungrateful one at that"

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