Illness- SJ

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Backstory- you and Scarlett have just started dating but everytime she asks you to stay round hers u say no. Little does she know every night you have to do a strict routine medically as you have CF (cystic fibrosis)

Your pov-
Today has been a bad day. My chest has felt very heavy and I feel so sick but filming is on a tight schedule so every hour I go back to my trailer to take my different medications to try and help me breathe better. I recently talked to the director about having breaks for Physiotherapy because it helps my lungs and he agreed. So I'm gonna let him know that I'm gonna take a couple days off for some physio as it's getting bad again.

You- " hey is it alright if I go to thingy for a couple days" (people are around and you don't want them to know)
Director- " of course y/n hope u feel better soon"
You smile at him and go pack your bags.

You get a knock on the door of your trailer, you reluctantly open it and hold in your cough.

Scarlett- " hey baby.... Wait where are you going"
You- " hey gor... ( coughs) sorry.... Hey gorgeous I'm just having a couple days off"
Scarlett- " are you feeling ill?"
You- " just very tired baby"
Scarlett- " let me look after you"
You- " honestly it's fine. I'm just gonna pop to the hospital and I'll be back in a couple of days"
Scarlett- " is it that bad. Y/n please tell me what's going on"
You- " Nothing is going on. Can you just back off please"
Scarlett- " theres no need to be a bitch about it. Fine I'll see you in a couple days."
Scarlett slams the trailer door and you start to cry. She was only trying to be helpful but you hadn't told her about your condition and what if she broke up with you because of it.

All of a sudden you start properly spluttering and you can't breathe. You grab your oxygen mask and tank from the bathroom and sit against the wall and try and breathe but you just can't. You call 999 ( British emergency number btw)

Operator- " hello this is 999 what's your emergency"
You- " hi....(coughs) I am a CF patient.... (Coughs) I can't breathe..... (coughs again) I've taken my meds and got my oxygen mask on... ( please help me)"
Operator- " can you send me your location please ma'am and keep the oxygen mask on"

You send her your location

Operator- " thank you sweetie. I've dispatched an ambulance and they are on their way. Hang on for me ok"

An ambulance arrives and comes into the trailer and helps you up and into the ambulance. You are dropping out of consciousness as you aren't getting any oxygen.

Scarletts pov-

I hear sirens come into the studio location and watch them park outside my girlfriends trailer. I watch them go in a help her out. I sprint towards the trailer and ask the paramedics what's going on.

Paramedic- " who are you to this woman"
Scar- " I'm her girlfriend"
Paramedic-" come with us I'll explain on the way. Surely you should know about her CF"
Scar-" she has CF"

I couldn't believe it how could I be so blind she never stayed round and always disappeared to the bathroom with her bag every-time.

Paramedic- " she needs to get on a ventilator when we get to the hospital will you be alright to stay with her"
Scar- " yes of course. Y/n baby please stay with me"

Y/n grabs my hand as she wheezes. She tries to talk but I stop hee

Scar- " I'm so sorry baby. Don't talk right now just focus on breathing everything will be ok. I love you"

That was the first time I had ever told her I loved her. She just squeezed my hand tighter and I watched a tear trickle down her face. I knew she was scared.

Time skip (5 hours)

Y/n has been put on a ventilator and I had stayed by her side since we arrived. She had gone to sleep. And she'd stopped panicking for and just let the doctors do what they need to do. They have put her on stronger medication and hopefully that will work.

A/n - there will be a part 2 to this xx hope yall are ok xx

Natasha/ Scarlett x fem reader ONE SHOTSWhere stories live. Discover now