I need a break- SJ

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Daughter reader - mama scar

Pov- you have grown up in england, taking 3 alevels whilst your mom Scarlett has been pushing you too hard. You always said you want to do acting but you have now realised that it's not for you but you feel as though it's too late to tell your mom that. You think she's going to be disappointed in you.

Tw- stress, breakdown, angst, sh

Scarlett- " y/n come here I have great news."
You- " I'll be there in a sec let me just finish this work"

She comes over and lifts my arm away from the paper and pulls me off the sofa.
You- " mom I am super busy. Please just give me a minute"
Scarlett- " this cant wait. I'm so excited. So you have got the role as wandas daughter in the new movie. HOW EXCITING!"

Shit. I had midterms in like 2 weeks.

Scarlett- " some enthusiasm would be nice"
You- " yes sorry. I'm excited. When do we start filming. "
Scarlett- " 3 weeks but in a weeks time there is going to be screen testing and costume fittings"

Fuck. It's going to be really hard to manage. I'm already stressed.

Time skip 2 weeks later-

Teacher- " y/n your late for the exam. I can't let you sit it"
You- " I'm so sorry. I was working. I let the college know. Please don't do this. I can't fail."
Teacher- " I never got the email"
You- " I have been studying for this, for weeks now please just give me the chance to do it"
Teacher- " ok fine. You sit it now. If you have studied that hard you will be fine"

I sat the exam, it was impossible, I handed the paper too hee and walked out. I started crying and walking out of college. A car pulled in beside me.

Lizzie- " hey do you want.... Y/n are you ok?"
You- " yeh I'm fine"

Wiping my eyes I proceed to get in the car.
Lizzie- " do you want to talk about it."

I shake my head. I really don't want to. All I need to do is go home and cut again. Mom knows about it. I'm a month and 1 week clean. But all this stress makes me want to relapse. I have even been dreaming about it. It's all I think about.

Lizzies pov-
Y/n got in my car and she sat there silently. Tears were streaming down her face. She didn't want to talk about it. We had gotten close recently but I'm not going to push her. I drive her home and she thanks me and walks into her and Scarlett's house. I text Scarlett and tell her what happened. She responds and says she will find out.

Your pov-
I get out the car and walk into the house and run up to my bathroom.

Scarlett- " heyyy... y/n sweetie are you ok"

I ignore her and carry on. I don't want to do this anymore. It's too much and she's so pushy. She wants me to be like her. I don't want it.

I lock my bathroom door and find my blade and proceed to start cutting my thighs. I can hide these. No one will ever know. God it felt good again. I felt in control again.

Scarletts pov-
Lizzie had text me just as y/n walked through the door. She ran straight upstairs past me and ignored me. Shit. I knew what was happening.

Scarlett- "y/n honey open the door for me. Don't do this. It's going to be ok. I'm here. Come one unlock the door"
You- " your not here. You don't know me anymore."

I hear her crying and I manage to unlock the door. She's sitting on the floor cleaning her cute. We were here about a month ago. I thought it was getting better.

Scarlett- " talk to me sweetie"
You- " I don't want to be like you anymore. Acting is not my priority right now. I enjoy my alevels I'm taking and maybe acting can wait but I just completely failed an important test and I..... I can't"
Scarlett- " look at me. I'm sorry. I should've asked you about the role for the movie. But going back to this isn't the answer."

She just carries on sobbing into my arms.

You- " I just need a break."
Scarlett- " I will call college and ask for a break and let the director say you need a break for a couple weeks. I will sort this out and we can get you the help you need. Your not alone and I love you"

A/n- this is rlly bad but comfort <3
How is everyone :)

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