Chapter Seven ✓

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The palace was huge, massive hallways, and giant doors leading to other rooms and corridors. The walls were a shining black, tapestries hung from the ceiling, their tassels touching the ground. Jewels set in the wall in patterns and swirls. The place was huge, and decked in finery.

"Just up here," Celia said. She pointed to a large staircase, black carpet covered the steps. Gold railings attached the black stone walls.

Celia carried no painting, making her look important. And making me look like an actual maid of the castle. We passed single maids and butlers in the halls, the maids wearing the same uniform as I, and the butlers in black suits.

None of them looked at us, we blended in perfectly.

We reached a large set of doors, with two guards dressed in black armour. Protecting whoever, or whatever was inside.

"I'm here for Lord Callahan," she said. "I'm supposed to deliver paintings for him."

The guards looked at her then flicked their eyes to me, I kept my head down, like I saw the other staff do. In a sign of fear, and knowing I was below them.

One of the guards knocked on the door, a muffled voice came from inside.

The doors swung open, the room was bigger than I'd ever seen in my life. A tall arcing ceiling was supported by gold and black beams.

A massive polished wood desk stood facing us, at the other end of the room. Gold, silver, rubies, and diamonds were set in the walls. Making the stone sparkle.

A tall man sat behind the desk, stacks of papers were strewn across the top. A sea of words and writing covering the wooden top.

The figure looked up, he was old, white hair grew from his head and chin. He had a beard but it wasn't long, short and looked ruff. His pale white skin like snow in the middle of winter. Wrinkles marked his face from age, looking like a map on skin.

"Ah Ms. Celia!" he said. His old wrinkled face turned bright. He got up and bound to the door. "Come in. Come in!"

We stepped into the room, it dropped multiple degrees, I slightly shivered.

"I have the paintings you requested," Celia said, gesturing to me with the stack of canvases.

He glanced over to me, "Good, put them over there," Lord Callahan said. Not really noticing me.

I walked over to his desk and carefully set them down right next to it on the floor, I glanced at Celia. She gave me a quick nod. I walked out and headed down the corridor.

I walked until I was out of sight of the guards.

"Psst!" a small voice sounded.

I turned around, seeing no one. But out of the corner of my eye I saw one of the huge tapestries move in the still air. A small face popped out from behind it.

To my surprise, it was a child. A small boy. Not that older than Thalia.

"You're Natallia right?" he whispered.

I was uncertain, but decided to trust this small boy. I nodded.

"Good, follow me," he said. I didn't move. He turned around and huffed out a breath. He pulled up his shirt sleeve and thrust out his arm. I looked down, a white band. Lilth said to trust the people in the castle with the white bands. I pushed my thoughts aside and followed after the child.

He popped out the other side of the tapestry and waved for me to follow him. I walked with the boy, we didn't speak. Not one word.

We walked past guards who paid us no mind, speaking loudly but becoming silent as we passed.

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