Chapter Nine ✓

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The figure was tall, taller than most of the fairies I had seen. Their shoulders were broad, a cloak draped around their back and head. Casting silhouettes across their sharp facial features.

"Hello there," the figure said, coolly. The voice, male, rich like poison, dripping from his tongue.

"Hello," I said curtly back. I didn't want to speak with the man, but if he was going to interfere with my scouting then I'd have to chat with him.

I turned around, just wanting to get away from him. But there was a wisp of breeze and the figure was now in front of me again. I gasped in surprise, how did he move so fast.

But now facing the moon I could see his face, lit by pearly light. My heart stopped. It was him. The same man I had seen with the queen hours before.

The Queen's Killer.

A grin danced upon his upturned lips at my reaction, he pulled down his hood. Blueish black hair spilled out from the fabric, it was like I was looking into the night sky itself. The hair fell around his face like a perfect halo. But I knew that I was looking into the face of a demon.

He took a step forward, walking towards me. I gracefully took one back. Raising my hand to my thing. At that slight movement the man before me looked at where my hand was.

His small grin turned into a malicious smirk.

"How brave," he purred. "You think you can fight off me? The famous and most deadly assassin? The Lucian Mendalez?"

I mentally cursed at myself, why did I reveal my weapon? Why did I want to fight him? Wanted to test my abilities? See how powerful I actually am?

"Today was the first time I have ever seen you," he said, still walking towards me. I took one step back for every one of his. Trying to keep distance between us.

"I guess you just haven't paid the maids much attention, I've been here for awhile,"I said, coolly. Keeping my face neutral.

He coked his head to the side, "I observe everyone in the castle, it's one of my many jobs."

Fuck he knew I wasn't who I said I was.

But I still decided to keep my act on, keep me alive for as long as possible. "Well it's late, and I have work in the morning, may I go?" I ask.

"Not so fast darling," he said. I gritted my teeth. I tried to stop myself but my pride overcame my mind.

"Don't ever call me darling," I snapped at him. Losing my cool.

An evil chuckle slipped through his teeth, he found the spot that rubbed me the wrong way.

"Well, darling," he said, smirking as I gripped my knuckles. Turning them white. "I need to know why you're in the maze at night."

"I might ask you the same question," I said. Mentaly scolding myself for going up against him. He raised his eyebrow, his lips dropping the smirk.

In a rush a shadow sped towards me, a hand brushing my neck. Two hands pushed my shoulders, my back hitting the green leaves and branches.

I gasped, as I felt a cool metal blade against my throat. I closed my eyes, expecting the blade to slice into the pale skin of my neck. Waiting to feel the warm scarlet blood running down my body.

But when I wasn't met with the painful bliss of death, I opened my eyes. Swirling purple eyes met mine, like lightning in a storm.

"How dare you question me," he growled. His breath the scent of cool mint.

"Leave me alone," I gasped at him. The freezing dagger pushing harder into my skin. He pushed me into the wall, squeezing the air out of my lungs.

"Beg," he said. I was surprised at his words. My fear slipped away for a split second.

"What?" I said in disbelief.

"You heard me," he said, "beg."

"For what?" I asked, the knife pushing deeper into my neck. A trickle of blood dribbling down my neck.

"For me to let you live," he whispered in my ear. I shivered at the warm tingling feeling.

I was quiet, I would not beg like a child begging for sweets. I would not stoop to that level of degradation.

"Darling, I'm only going to say this one more time," he growled in my ear. "So beg."

If I don't do this I'll be killed and I'll never see my sisters again. I won't be able to save them.

"Please," I gasped, because the blade of the dagger was slowly crushing my vocal cords.

A smirk played back on his lips, "please what?" He tilted my head upwards with the edge of the knife. Making me look into his eyes.

"Please let me live," I begged. Wanting to throw myself off a cliff by my humiliation.

"I need more than that baby," he smiled. A glint of malicious intent in his eyes.

"Please don't kill me. I h-have to take care of my sisters, t-they can't survive without me," pleaded. He smiled, satisfied with my humiliation.

"Good night love," he whispered in my ear, I closed my eyes not wanting to open them. Not wanting to see him.

The dagger left its place from my throat, his presence leaving my body. The missing heat made my body feel cold and abandoned.

I slid down, my knees giving out. I hit the ground hard, my head fell forwards.

Tears I hadn't even known I was holding back fell from my concealed fire coloured eyes.The tears were like waterfalls, streaming down my face.

I brought up my knees and wrapped my arms around my legs. Tucking my head into the empty space between my legs and chest.

I couldn't do this, what was I thinking? I couldn't save my sisters. I couldn't save them when they were first taken, what makes a difference now? I'm going to get myself or them killed.

I threw my head back, staring up at the black sky. Stars speckled the sky with silver. A sob escaped my lips, rippling through my chest.

I sat there for what felt like forever, so long the sky was now streaked with purple and blue. The stars were fading.

I finally got up from my sitting place, my legs felt numb. I followed my trail of scorched leaves to the exit.

I walked back into the castle, maids already bustling about the kitchen. I shuffled back to the living quarters Aria had shown me. Maids getting up, or just going to bed. I found an empty space on the stiff hay cots and closed my eyes.

Sleep instantly overtaking me, darkness soothing me into a restless sleep. 

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