Chapter Fourteen

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Hey guys! Got back from vacation a couple days ago but came down with a cold. That's why I didn't update yesterday. But I'm feeling better! This will be a double update, so hope you enjoy!


Night had fallen upon the world, navy blue clouds for miles. I strapped on my leathers and concealed my weapons.

"So are you going to stick with me, or do I have to tie you up," he asked. He leaned down, "You'd probably like it too," he nipped at my ear.

I turned to him, shocked at what he said. "Fine, I'll stay with you."

"Aw, I was looking forward to seeing you struggle against my shadows," he pulled my waist in, pressing me against him. I gasped.

I stayed quiet for a while before Lucian dipped his head down and chuckled into my ear, "What, nothing to say?"

I pressed my hands against his chest and pushed backwards,creating distance between us.

"Don't fucking touch me." was all I said before walking to the others.

Lucian gave us one more rundown of our mission before we headed into the trees, towards the unsuspecting village. I walked beside Lucian, unwillingly but walking with him nevertheless.

"Oh come on, walking with me isn't the worst thing in the world," Lucian said. I glared at him.

"Yes it is, I would much enjoy it if you let me be."

I could see Lucian open his mouth but something cut him off. The talking and laughing of people, it made him shut his mouth tightly. His jaw locked. I could see his expression harden.

"We're here," he whispered to the group. We had already gone over our formation on how we would attack the village. Three of the men would go right, three left, two would go front, and me and Lucian would go to the back. Forming a perimeter circle around the small town.

We all broke out into our small teams and waited for Lucian's signal. There was a huge bonfire in the middle of the village, people danced around it. Singing and laughing drafted from the fire. There was some sort of celebration going on.

Lucian threw his power out, touching the arms of everyone on the mission, it felt like a cat brushing itself up against your skin.

"Let's go," Lucian said, his face set like stone. We moved in, sneaking in the shadows to be unseen. I had my broadswords out, one in each hand. Lucian was going to be heavily watching me, that meant I couldn't go with my original plan to just knock the humans unconscious. I had to take their life. They all had so much to live for, and they were all going to die.

I could see the other teams surrounding the celebration, all had weapons out, all staring at Lucian to give his next signal. He only inclined his head the smallest bit, but enough so the others could see. Then we all moved.

Like rushing water, the other teams sped forwards. Laughs turned to blood curdling screams. Men and women were sliced to the ground, blood running through the dirt.

Lucian was next to me, I walked forward. Wanting to arrive at the battle late, wanting to hurt as little people as possible.

"Hurry up Nat," Lucian hissed to me. I rolled my eyes and sped up my pace a notch.

I'm met with my first challenge, a woman ran straight into me. Hitting my leather covered chest and fell to the ground. She looked up in my eyes, and she started to back away.

"Please!" she pleaded, tears falling down her face. I see Lucian staring at me from the corner of my eye. I bent down, my movements stopping the woman in her tracks.

I pulled her leg towards me, her body falling towards me. I placed my sword at the base of her throat and pulled her in.

"I'm sorry," I whisper in her ear so no one can hear but her. Even with fae ears I've said it too quietly for them to pick up. I sliced the blade along the pale skin of the woman beneath me. Warm blood spilled from her throat, her eyes widened. She groped at her neck, her mouth open gasping like a fish out of water. She fell to the ground thrashing and turning. Her movement became smaller and slower each second, until she was motionless.

I stood up, pushing the brewing emotions into the depths of my mind.

I could tell Lucian was staring at me, I ignored him and wiped the blade of my dark shirt.

"What was that about?" his deep voice asked. I looked up to him, plastering a look of confusion on my face.

"What do you mean?" I asked innocently.

He pointed his blade to the woman's lifeless corpse, "What did you say to her?"

"It was a goodbye message," I said simply, surging my shoulders.

He quirked an eyebrow up, "Goodbye message?"

"Yeah, I wish them farewell before I end their life. Sometimes it's a good message. Sometimes bad."

"What did you say to her?" he asked curiously.

"Nothing special, just a simple goodbye."

"That's stupid," he chuckled.

"You won't be saying that once I give you your goodbye message," I smirked at him.

"Oh?" he smiled, "What do you have in store for me?"

I took a step forward, making me have to slightly look up to his face. "It'll be a long message," I said, his eyes clouded over. In that moment of his weakness I brought my blade to his stomach. Slipping it between the thick leather protecting his torso. I slightly pushed the tip of the blade towards his skin.

His eyes snapped from mine to the blade in my hand, I brought my hand behind his neck and lowered his head so he was eye level with me. "And trust me it won't be plestant for you," I pulled his ear to my lips, and whispered seductively onto his skin, "And that last face you'll ever see is me standing over you with my blade dripping with your blood." With that last sentence I pushed the tip into his skin just a bit more. Then suddenly I was walking towards the screaming fire.

Knowing he was gawking at my moving form, a small smile danced upon my face. Got you bitch.


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