Chapter Thirty One

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 "I'm not sleeping next to you," I said quickly.

"Love, you can sleep on the floor if you want," Lucian said beside me. Eyes closed and already under the covers.

"You're not going to be nice and let me sleep here?" I question him.

"I am, and you get a bonus. Me," he said lazily.

I cursed under my breath. I climbed in beside him. "If you get touchy I'm cutting your hands off," I seethed at him.

"Okay," he chuckled, opening his eyes to look at me. I hated and loved being this close to him, nothing between us except our damp undergarments.

I pinched out the candle on the small wooden night stand and darkness fell over the room. The long shadows dissolving into their brothers of darkness.

I was at the edge of the bed, as far away as possible. One for Lucian's sake and also for mine. Because even if I hated him, and wanted to slit his throat most of the time. My body, my traitorous body, craved his touch.

My hair was damp, sending shivers down my spine. I curled into a small ball, trying to gather body heat.

"You're fucking shaking the bed with your shivers," I heard Lucian groan.

"Yeah cause my hair is wet," I snipped back.

"Come here."

"What? No."

I felt something snake under and over my waist, and pulled me back. I gasped at the movement.

"What the hell are you doing?"

"Keeping both of us warm," he said, his warm breath hitting my neck, making hairs stand up.

I let out a huff, "Fine, but only for body heat. Better keep those hands there, fucker."

"Of course, angel," he whispered into my ear.

I felt his legs move and they tangled in mine, warmth devouring me. He pulled me further into his chest. And fuck me that I liked being so close to him.

I had opened up to him about my past and story. Told him everything. Was it because I trusted him? Couldn't be. He worked for the enemy.

What are you doing to me Lucian?

My shivers had died down, my chills being cut down my Lucian's scent and warmth. His smell of pine and mint soothed my racing thoughts. Pulling me deeper into sleep. Until finally, my eyes closed and my mind shut.

I had a restful sleep, sure the mattress wasn't nice and felt like laying on wood. But still I was grateful we were inside for this cold night.

I had no dreams, only a deep and peaceful sleep. Nothing to distract or disturb me from my rest.

I rose from my dark sleep, to be met with rays of morning sun. Perfect and beautiful. Shades of orange and yellows.

I blinked my eyes a couple times, clearing my blurred vision. My cheek was pressed against something warm and hard. I looked up to see what it was and gawked at what I saw.


I forgot what had happened last night. When he had pulled me in and tangled his legs in mine.

But at that time I had been facing away from him, now my head was on his chest. One leg over his body. I tried to pull away but his arms tightened around my waist. Like a shaft of iron.

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