Chapter Eleven

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Decided to give you guys a double update today, cause I didn't post for a week and a bit :)

Thank you for over 100 reads!!

please comment and/or vote!

This is a VERY long chapter, Hope you like it!!!


"Are they okay?" I asked frantically, trying to keep my voice calm.

"We don't know how the feisty one is doing," the woman said. "But the small one is fine."

"Madeline," I breathed out.

"How do you know her?" I asked.

"Well... she made quite a scene a couple days ago, when one of the guards took their anger out on the small one," she said. "The older one stepped in and tried to stop it, but being chained she couldn't do much. She was taken away, thrashing and screaming."

No. No. No.

"But the younger one is alright?"I asked, the woman nodded. I let out a breath. At least one of my sisters was safe.

"Thank you," I said and walked away from the table. The woman got back to sewing. Like nothing had happened.

I walked out of the camp and back into the streets of Mortem. But instead of heading back to the castle I went to the left. Into the lush forest.

Once I got out of sight of the cottages and buildings I went out in an all out sprint. I stopped and fell to the ground, my back up against a tree trunk.

A tear slipped out of my eye, if I had just slept in the cabin that night I could have prevented all of this. They could be safe with me. Not in a dangerous fae kingdom, where they could die at any second.

I clenched my hands so hard my nails bit into the skin of my palm. I threw my head back and let out a scream, I was angry. Angry at the fae queen, at her army for taking my sisters and mother. For tormenting humans for years. I was going to kill her.

My hands heated up, I smashed my clenched fists into the ground, making the leaves around me cripple up and burn. Sparks flying. My mind was red with anger. I was going to kill her, and I would make it painful too.

But I can't kill her yet, I thought to myself. If I do I'll just get myself killed in the process.

I got up and took out my knife, I spun to face the tree and slammed the hilt into the wood. The entire blade sinking in like butter. The wood around the blade started to char.

I shook off my feelings and stored them in a bottle for later. I would release those feelings when it was time.

And coolly walked back to the castle.

It had been months since I had first come to Mortem, when I left my regular life behind. Since that time I had gained the trust of multiple Lords trusts, had mapped out all of the castle and the villages and war camps around it. I had been switching between being a knight and a maid. A maid to get closer to the queen and her servants, and also being a knight to practice my skills and listen to the war gossip.

No one I think noticed that I was playing two roles, or even if they did they didn't say anything.

Sure life in the castle as a maid and servant were hard but I still got the luxuries of a place to sleep, minnial food and water.

My body had lost its boney and skinniness, instead slightly toned muscles ran across my skin. Lightly defined abs, sculpted shoulders, strong and powerful.

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